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Datapath and Control<br />

• Single-cycle and multi-cycle datapaths<br />

• Control of datapaths and implementing control finite-state machines<br />

Pipelining<br />

• Basic pipelined datapath and control<br />

• Data dependences, data hazards, bypassing, code scheduling<br />

• Branch hazards, delayed branches, branch prediction<br />

Memory Hierarchies<br />

• Caches (direct mapped, fully associative, set associative)<br />

• Main memories<br />

• Memory hierarchy performance metrics and their use<br />

• Virtual memory, address translation, TLBs<br />

Input and Output<br />

• Common I/O device types and characteristics<br />

• Memory mapped I/O, DMA, program-controlled I/O, polling, interrupts<br />

• Networks<br />

Multiprocessors<br />

• Introduction to multiprocessors<br />

• Cache coherence problem<br />

What is the format of the course<br />

The course is 15 weeks long, with students meeting for three 50-minute lectures per week or two 75-minute<br />

lectures per week. If the latter, the course is typically “front loaded” so that lecture material is covered earlier in<br />

the semester and students are able to spend more time later in the semester working on their projects.<br />

How are students assessed<br />

Assessment is a combination of homework, class project, and exams. There are typically six homework<br />

assignments. The project is a detailed implementation of a 16-bit computer for an example instruction set. The<br />

project requires both an unpipelined as well as a pipelined implementation and typically takes close to a hundred<br />

hours of work to complete successfully. The project and homeworks are typically done by teams of 2 students.<br />

There is a midterm exam and a <strong>final</strong> exam, each of which is typically 2 hours long.<br />

Course textbooks and materials<br />

David A. Patterson and John L. Hennessy, Computer Organization and Design: The Hardware and Software<br />

Interface Morgan Kaufmann Publishers,<br />

Fourth Edition. ISBN: 978-0-12-374493-7<br />

Why do you teach the course this way<br />

Since the objective is to teach how a digital computer is designed and built and how it executes programs, we want<br />

to show how basic logic gates could be combined to construct building blocks which are then combined to work<br />

together to execute programs written in a machine language. The students learn the concepts of how to do so in<br />

the classroom, and then apply them in their project. Having taken this course a student can go into an industrial<br />

environment and be ready to participate in the design of complex digital.<br />

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