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eScience, University of North Carolina at Charlotte<br />

Mirsad Hadzikadic and Carlos E. Seminario<br />

mirsad@uncc.edu cseminar@uncc.edu<br />

Knowledge Areas that contain topics and learning outcomes covered in the course<br />

Knowledge Area<br />

Total Hours of Coverage<br />

Computational Science (CN) 42<br />

Intelligent Systems (IS) 15<br />

Topics outside Body of Knowledge 33<br />

Where does the course fit in your curriculum<br />

The University of North Carolina at Charlotte’s (UNCC) College of Computing and Informatics (CCI) has recently<br />

introduced its first laboratory-based science course, designed to partially satisfy the science portion of the University<br />

College’s general education requirements 2 3 . The University College General Education program’s curriculum<br />

reflects UNCC’s commitment to the principles of a liberal arts education, a broad training that develops analytic,<br />

problem solving, and communications skills and also awareness of bodies of knowledge and new perspectives that<br />

prepare students for success in their careers and communities in the 21st century. In the General Education<br />

curriculum, eScience is positioned alongside other introductory “Inquiry into the Sciences” courses 4 such as<br />

Astronomy, Bioinformatics, Biological Anthropology, Biology, Chemistry, Earth Sciences, Geology, Physics, and<br />

Psychology.<br />

This course is commonly taken by freshmen and sophomores, occasionally juniors and seniors have attended.<br />

Although this course is not compulsory, it does satisfy the requirement for a science class with lab. There are no<br />

course pre-requisites and no follow-on courses are required. (Starting in the Fall 2013, a related and optional Agent-<br />

Based Modeling course will be offered for undergraduate and graduate students.) Typically, anywhere from 15 to 40<br />

students will take this course per semester.<br />

What is covered in the course<br />

eScience’s basic premise is that in addition to the two accepted scientific inquiry methods: theoretical/mathematical<br />

formulation and experimentation, computational simulation/modeling has become the third method for doing<br />

science. eScience introduces the application of computational methods to scientific exploration and discovery in the<br />

social and natural sciences. Both the class and the laboratory include a broad range of well-defined experiments,<br />

verified data inputs, predictable/repeatable outcomes, and open questions to be explored. We begin with an<br />

Introduction to eScience, Scientific Method, and Models. Thereafter, we have weekly topics including Spread of<br />

Epidemics, Spread of Fire, Movement of Ants and Problem Solving, Predator-prey relationships,<br />

2 http://ucol.uncc.edu/<br />

3 http://ucol.uncc.edu/gened/requirements.htm<br />

4 https://ucol.uncc.edu/general-education/requirements/inquiry-sciences<br />

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