Condit Dam Removal Condit Dam Removal - Access Washington

Condit Dam Removal Condit Dam Removal - Access Washington

Condit Dam Removal Condit Dam Removal - Access Washington


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<strong>Condit</strong> <strong>Dam</strong> Hydroelectric Project<br />

Final Supplemental EIS<br />

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LeMier, E.H. and W.E. Smith. 1955. Biological appraisal of the Big White Salmon River.<br />

<strong>Washington</strong> Department of Fisheries, Olympia, <strong>Washington</strong>.<br />

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Mestre, V.E. and D.C. Wooten. 1980. Chapter 4 Noise Impact Analysis. In Environmental<br />

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Migdalski, E.C. 1962. Fresh water sport fishes. The Ronald Press Company, New York,<br />

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National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS). 2006. Biological Opinion and Magnuson-<br />

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Osborn, J.F. 1985. New concepts in fish ladder design. Bonneville Power Administration,<br />

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PacifiCorp. 1991. <strong>Condit</strong> Hydroelectric Project Visual Analysis. Appendix 19-1.<br />

———. 2004. <strong>Condit</strong> Hydroelectric Project, FERC Project No. 2342, Project Description.<br />

———. 2005. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Permit Application No. 200400523,<br />

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Parker, S.S. 2005. Comment letter from Steven S. Parker (Fisheries Resource Management<br />

Program, Yakama Nation) to Derek Sandison, <strong>Washington</strong> Department of Ecology,<br />

Yakima, <strong>Washington</strong>) on the <strong>Condit</strong> <strong>Dam</strong> <strong>Removal</strong> DSEIS.<br />

Phelps., S.R., N. Switzler, and B. Ingram. 1990. Electrophoretic characterization of five<br />

rainbow trout collections from the White Salmon River. Unpublished document.<br />

<strong>Washington</strong> Department of Fish and Wildlife, Olympia, <strong>Washington</strong>.<br />


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