General Plan Policy Document (Adopted 7-11 ... - City of Wheatland

General Plan Policy Document (Adopted 7-11 ... - City of Wheatland

General Plan Policy Document (Adopted 7-11 ... - City of Wheatland


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HEALTH AND SAFETY, Chapter 9SEISMIC ANDGEOLOGICHAZARDSThe primary seismic and geologic hazards affecting development in<strong>Wheatland</strong> include earthquakes and expansive soils. <strong>General</strong>ly flat intopography, <strong>Wheatland</strong> does not face risks from landsliding orseiches.All soils have properties and characteristics such as erosion potential,shrink-swell behavior, and permeability that determine theirsuitability and constraints for building sites, grading, infrastructure,and drainage systems. Such soils require special engineeringattention to design to ensure the safety <strong>of</strong> any buildings orimprovements.The policies in this section seek to ensure that new buildings andfacilities are designed to withstand seismic and geologic hazards.GOAL 9.BTo minimize the loss <strong>of</strong> life, injury, and property damage due toseismic and geological hazards.POLICIES9.B.1. The <strong>City</strong> shall require the preparation <strong>of</strong> a soils engineeringand geologic/seismic analysis prior to permitting developmentin areas prone to geological or seismic hazards (i.e.,groundshaking, liquefaction, expansive soils).9.B.2. The <strong>City</strong> shall require submission <strong>of</strong> a preliminary soils report,prepared by a registered civil (geotechnical) engineer andbased upon adequate test borings, for every subdivision.9.B.3. The <strong>City</strong> shall require that new structures intended for humanoccupancy be designed and constructed to minimize risk tothe safety <strong>of</strong> occupants due to groundshaking.9.B.4. The <strong>City</strong> shall require that new structures and alterations toexisting structures comply with the current edition <strong>of</strong> theUniform Building Code.9.B.5. The <strong>City</strong> shall develop evacuation routes and a disaster plan inthe remote event that an earthquake does occur, especially inthe Camp Far West Dam inundation area.9.B.6. The <strong>City</strong> shall require that new structures intended for humanoccupancy, public facilities (i.e., treatment plants and pumpingstations, major communication lines, evacuation routes, etc.),and emergency/disaster facilities (i.e., police and fire stations,etc.) are designed and constructed to minimize risk to thesafety <strong>of</strong> people due to ground shaking.<strong>Wheatland</strong> <strong>General</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> <strong>Policy</strong> <strong>Document</strong>, Part II 9-3July <strong>11</strong>, 2006

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