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Globalization and <strong>Human</strong> CapitalTable (6-1)Distribution of Employed Persons by Sectors (15 years and More)Sectors1976000.s %1986000.s %1996000.s %Average rate of growth%1976-86 1986-96Government1.78617.672.54522.364.37428.023.615.56Public Enterprises9649.541.28711.318765.622.93-3.77Private Enterprises7.35572.787.53766.2010.33666.210.243.21Foreign Enterprises0—100.10230.15—8.23Unclassified0—40.040.00—-37.89Total10.106100.0011.385100.0015.611100.001.203.21Urbann.a—5.44647.847.21446.21—2.85Ruraln.a—5.93952.168.39753.79—3.52Malen.a—10.34390.8513.52686.64—2.72Femalen.a—1.0419.152.08513.36—7.19● In terms of the relative importance ofpersons employed in the privatesector, this decreased from 72.8 percent in 1976 to 66.2 per cent in 1986,remaining at the same level in 1996. Ithad been expected to increase betweenthe last two census years due toprivatization and the lead given to theprivate sector.● Foreign enterprises continued,between 1986 and 1996, to contributelittle to employment (0.1 per cent and0.15 per cent respectively), althoughthis contribution was expected to behigher in response to the incentivesprovided to such enterprises.● As expected, persons employed inpublic enterprises decreased from 11.3per cent in 1986 to 5.6 per cent in1996.In spite of fears that privatization would bebiased against female employment, therelative share of females in total employedpersons increased from 9.5 per cent in 1986to 13.4 per cent in 1996.(5) The structure of demand for labor by differentoccupation showed some importantchanges over the three censuses.Most of these changes coincide with thetransition to a privatized market economy,although they do not reflect significantchanges in the technological level ofthe national economy. Accordingly, table(6.2) shows that:In spite of fears thatprivatization would bebiased against femaleemployment, therelative share offemales in totalemployed personsincreased from 9.5 percent in 1986 to 13.4per cent in 1996.Table (6-2)Distribution of Employed Persons by Skills (15 years and More)Occupation1976000.s %1986000.s %1996000.s %Average rate of growth%1976-86 1986-96Professionals, Scientists& ManagersClerical Workers & LikeSales & Services WorkersWorkers in Agriculture& FisheriesProduction Workers & LikeUnclassifiledTotalUrbanRuralMaleFemale8267001.4424.0332.0525579.613n.an.a8.9156988.607.2915.0141.9521.355.80100.00——92.747.261.5889981.4284.3022.76929911.3855.4465.93910.3431.04113.958.7712.5437.792.76929911.3855.4465.93910.3431.0414.3701.1231.4564.6763.86012515.6117.2148.39713.5262.08528.007.209.3330.0024.730.80100.0046.2153.7986.6413.366.743.61-0.100.653.04-6.041.71——1.504.0810.651.180.190.843.38-8.343.212.853.522.727.19Egypt <strong>Human</strong> <strong>Development</strong> Report 2000/2001 - 97

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