English - Human Development Reports - United Nations ...

English - Human Development Reports - United Nations ...

English - Human Development Reports - United Nations ...


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Technical Notes and Sources of Datadifference between commercial and finalenergy consumption is the exclusion in thelater of the amounts of energy source ( orsources) consumed as input in theproduction of another source (e.g. the use ofnatiural gas or oil products in the productionof electricity). The commercial energyconsumed in kg oil equivalent per LE 1000of GDP in 1997/98 is based on GDP atmarket prices.H. CommunicationCommunication profile is represented by anumber of indicators. The major sources ofdata required for deriving these indicatorsare population censuses and annual reportson related areas. CAPMAS publishes thesereports in cooperation with the concernedministries, organizations, etc.The communication indicators presented inthis report are:● Households with television %● Households with radio %● Daily newspaper circulation per 1000people● Average number of people served by onepost office.● Annual cinema attendance per 1000people.● Annual theater attendance per 1000people● Annual museum attendance per 1000people.● Library book per 1000 people● Passenger cars per 1000 people.The first two indicators, are taken from thelast EDHS. The remaining indicators werederived from the latest abailable CAPMAS’annual reports for the related areas ofcommunication.All indicator are given at the national andregional levels with the exception of thedaily newspaper circulation which is givenat the national level only. The latter wascalculated by dividing the annual circulationof daily newspapers by (365) to get dailycirculation and relating the daily circulationto the population.1. Economic AspectsEconomic indicators included in this reportare as follows:● GDP per capita (LE)● GDP per capita (ppp$)● Income share of lowest 40% of people %● Ratio of highest 20% to lowest 20%● Gini coefficient● Total poor persons as % of the population● Ultra poor persons as % of the population● Total and ultra poor persons (000’s)● Wages of poor households as % of theirincome● Wages of poor households as % of totalwages● % of total expenditure spent on socialsecurity● % of total expenditure spent on defense,(in addition to % of public expenditurespent on education and health referred toearlier)● Public expenditure on social security as %of GDP● Public espenditure on defense, as % ofGDP. (in addition to public expenditureon eduication or health as % of GDPreferred to earlier)● Total GDP (LE billions)● Agricultural product as % of GDP● Industrial product as % of GDP● Services as % of GDP● Private consumption as % of GDP● Government expenditure as % of GDP● Gross domestic investment as % of GDP● Gross domestic saving as % of GDP● Tax revenue as % of GDP● Exports as % of GDP● Imports as % of GDP● Total civil external debt as % of GNP● Civit external debt service ratio ( as % ofexports)● Workers’ remittances from abroad (LEmillions)● Export/Import ratio %● Trade dependency (exports plus importsas % of GDP)● Current account balance (LE millions)● Gross international reserves includinggold : ( Us $ million Months of importcoverage● GDP at constant (1991.92) factor cost (LEbillions)● Annual growth rate of real GDP %● Annual growth rate of per capital GDP %● Consumer price index (1986/87=100)● Annual growth rate of consumer priceindex %● Wholesale price index (1986/87=100)● Annual growth rate of wholesale priceindex122 -Egypt <strong>Human</strong> DevelopAment Report 2000/2001

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