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English - Human Development Reports - United Nations ...

English - Human Development Reports - United Nations ...


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The Economic Well Being of Egyptians in a Globalized WorldFALL86 -90FALL90-95Figure 2.1 : Distribution of Governorates According toShortfall of BHDI and Growth (1986-1990)50403020100-10GDP86 -9010080604020GizaMenufia0Dakahlia0-60 -40GDP90-95-20BeheraCairo10GizaIsmailiaMenufiaBehera0PortSaidCairo20Suez20PortSaid40DakahliaFigure 2.2 : Distribution of Governorates According toShortfall of BHDI and Growth (1990-1995)GizaCairoMenufia Ismailia DakahliaSuezDakahliaBehera IsmailiaMenufiaBeheraCairoPortSaid3060SuezFigure 2.3 : Changes in the Relative Position of VariousGovernorates (1986-1990 and 1990-1995)100806040200-60-40-200PortSaid204060Suez8011008040100FALL86-90GDP 86-90FALL90-95GDP90-95the weak partner in the cycle eventually actsas a brake on the other partner, leading to avicious cycle case, or, if the linkages arestrengthened, possibly by policy change, avirtuous cycle case results.Estimations show strong and weak linksbetween changes in economic growth andimprovements in HD across governoratesand the movement of governorates from onecategory to another through the periods1986-1990 and 1990-1996. One way ofclassifying governorates into the fourcategories is to compare their performanceon HD and EG with the averageperformance of all Egypt. Figures (2.1) and(2.2) present this classification successivelyfor 1986-1990 and for 1990-1996 for allgovernorates in Egypt. The vertical andhorizontal axes represent the averageperformance for the period. In 1990-1996,for example, most governorates in UpperEgypt appear as experiencing a viciouscircle (SW quadrant), except Giza, Qenaand Aswan. A strong regional patternemerges, with Urban Governorates and theBorders featuring in the virtuous cyclecategory. Four of the Lower Egyptgovernorates (Damietta, Sharkia, Gharbiaand Menufia) are represented in the HDlopsidedquadrant. In the EG-lopsidedcategory there is one governorate in LowerEgypt (Behera) and two in Upper Egypt(Qena and Aswan). The remaining sevengovernorates are trapped in a vicious circleof low economic growth and lagging humandevelopment. Five of the eight governoratesin Upper Egypt fall into this disadvantagedcategory.Taking the movements of governorates overthe two periods, 1986-1990 and 1990-1996(see Table (2-3) and Figure (2.3)). Itappears that out of the governorates in thevicious cycle category in 1986-1990, fiveremained in that category throughout theperiod 1990-95. All of them are in UpperEgypt, which started with very low levels ofHD, handicapping their growth potential.Their low growth rates prevented them fromgenerating the resources necessary forimprovements in HD. One governorate(Behera) moved from vicious cycle toEG-lopsided. Two governorates (Sharkiaand Menufia) moved from vicious toHD-lopsided. Three governorates (Alexandria,Qaliubia and Giza) moved from vicious tovirtuous. Two governorates (Cairo andBorder) moved from HD-lopsided into thevirtuous category. It should be noted thatthe 1996 <strong>Human</strong> <strong>Development</strong> Reportargued that: “Lopsided development can34 -Egypt <strong>Human</strong> <strong>Development</strong> Report 2000/2001

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