English - Human Development Reports - United Nations ...

English - Human Development Reports - United Nations ...

English - Human Development Reports - United Nations ...


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comprehensive and profound backgroundpapers, which the report used a considerableamount of their data as well as relevantanalytical material. In fact, these eminentresearchers are masters of this report. TheTeam, albeit wishing to express their thanksand gratitude to their distinguishedexperience and far-reaching knowledge, yet,liberate them from any views, opinions orconclusions mentioned in this report thatwould be of inconvenience to themThanks are also due to the InformationCenter, the Documentation and PublishingCenter and the Foreign Relations Center atthe Institute of National Planning, for theirsecretarial, administrative and technicalsupport. . Special thanks are also due to theDr. Farid Abdel Aal and Mr. Sayed AbdelHamid for their witnessed statistical efforts.Thanks are due to the research assistants aswell as Mr. Hamdy Rihan and Mr. AhmedMoussa for administrative support.The Team submit their thanks to allindividuals of Al Ahram commercialpresses who were involved in the design,layout and printing of the report.Egypt <strong>Human</strong> <strong>Development</strong> Report 2000/2001Director and Lead AuthorOsman M. OsmanEditorSultan Abou AliContributors of Background PapersAbdel Fattah El GebaliAhmad El KholiAhmad GalalAhmad GoweiliAli SolimanGalal AminHanaa Kheir El DinMahmoud Mohy El DinMohamed Abdel ShafeiRaafat RadwanHeba El LeithyKhalid Abdel AzizLaila El KhawagaLobna Abdel LatifMagdi KhalifaMahmoud Abul EyounMamdouh El SharkawyMostafa Kamel El SaidSultan Abou Ali

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