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English - Human Development Reports - United Nations ...

English - Human Development Reports - United Nations ...


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The Economic Well Being of Egyptians in a Globalized World<strong>Human</strong> developmenthas been defined asenlarging people'schoices in a way thatenables them to leadlonger, healthier andfuller lives.Trade Openness and Equality ofIncomeIn order to analyze the impact of opennessto international trade and to foreigninvestment on inequality of incomedistribution, other variables, such as GNP,inflation, government consumptionexpenditure and gross capital formation aretaken into account.Income inequality has been measured bythe Gini index. Five points in time wereavailable from Family Budget Surveys.They were successively 27.7 per cent in1964/65, and 31.2 per cent in 1974/75,indicating deterioration in the pattern ofincome distribution. The index declined to29.6 per cent in 1981/82, pointing to areduction in income inequality. It thenrose again to 35.1 per cent in 1990/91,attesting to an increase in inequalityfollowed by a decline to 29.9 per cent in1995/96, indicating an improvement in thepattern of income distribution. It appearsthat trade openness has had a positiveeffect on the Gini index, indicating anegative impact on income distribution.Foreign direct investment and the pastlevel of GNP however both showed abeneficial impact on the pattern of incomedistribution (a negative effect on the Giniindex).Surprisingly, the consumer price index, as aproxy for inflation, has also shown anegative association with the Gini index,pointing to a beneficial effect on the patternof income distribution. This may beexplained by the continuous consumersubsidization policy that the GOE adoptedthroughout the period until the beginning ofthe nineties. This has sheltered consumersfrom the distributional effects of inflation.In addition, gross capital formation hasshown a negative impact on incomedistribution, showing that investment policyhas not been explicitly aimed at achievingequity. On the contrary, it has shown anegative effect on the pattern of incomedistribution. Finally, it appears that theconsumer subsidization policy during thesub-period 1974-1985 has been particularlyfavorable to the poor, and has improvedequity in distributionCombining Growth andRedistribution Effects on Incomeof the PoorIt is worth noting that the scarcity of data onincome distribution limits what canconfidently be said about the ultra poor inthe country, for example the bottom 10 or 5per cent of income distribution. Changes inthe distribution of income within the lowestquintile have probably occurred over time,but what the available data allows us toidentify is average income in the lowerincome bracket, regardless of redistributionwithin this bracket. The analysis is thusrestricted to the impact of redistribution onthe share of income of the bottom 20 percent of the population, disregardingredistribution of income within this bracket.As expected, the results rightly indicate thatany improvement in the pattern ofdistribution (associated with a decline in thevalue of the Gini coefficient) leads to ahigher share of income accruing to thepoorest quintile in the population.Conversely, a deterioration of the pattern ofdistribution (higher Gini) is reflected in adecline of the share of the poorest quintilein income. It also appears that themagnitude of this response varies betweensub-periods. The results also show thathigher GNP has had a positive impact onthe poor during the first (1965-73) and last(1991-97) sub-periods, thus dampening theredistribution effect. However, increasedlevels of GNP during the periods 1974-85and 1986-90 have not favored the poorersections of the population and have thusreinforced the negative impact of incomeredistribution.Income Growth and <strong>Human</strong><strong>Development</strong><strong>Human</strong> development has been defined asenlarging people's choices in a way thatenables them to lead longer, healthier andfuller lives. This definition of HD is verybroad. It involves not only economicelements but also social, political, cultural,28 -Egypt <strong>Human</strong> <strong>Development</strong> Report 2000/2001

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