English - Human Development Reports - United Nations ...

English - Human Development Reports - United Nations ...

English - Human Development Reports - United Nations ...


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6.1 Distribution of Employed Persons by Sectors (15 Years and More) 976.2 Distribution of Employed Persons by Skills (15 Years and More) 976.3 Trends in Average Nominal and Real Wages by Sectors and Economic Activity1990-1996 986.4 Trends in Average Nominal and Real Wages by Economic Activity, 1990-96 997.1 Formal Infrastructure of Social Capital in Egypt 1057.2 Sectoral Distribution of Arab Aid in Egypt 1117.3 Contributions of Arabs in Subscribed Capital to Established Companies tillDecember 2000 1137.4 Egypt’s Trade with Selected Arab Countries during the Nineties 113Figures1.1: Trade in Goods and Services as Share of GDP 151.2: Share of World Exports by Developing Region,1980-1999. 151.3: Net Long-Term Flows to Developing Countries, 1970-99. 151.4: Net FDI by Developing Region, 1970-1999. 151.5 : Global per Capita Real GDP Growth 171.6 : Relation between Poverty Reduction and Growth, 1989-98(%) 171.7 : Per Capita GDP 191.8 : The Relation Beteen Inequality and Growth 192.1 : Distribution of Governorates According to Shortfall of BHDI and Growth (1986-1990) 342.2 : Distribution of Governorates According to Shortfall of BHDI and Growth (1990-1995) 342.3 : Changes in the Relative Position of Various Governorates (1986-1990 and 1990-1995) 343.1 : Average Manufacturing Unit Labor Cost 523.2 : Relation Between Wage and Productivity 523.3 : Effective Rates of Protection on the Textile Sector 553.4 Relation Between Wage And Produetivity 564.1: An Environmental Kuznets Curve for Sulfur Dioxide 684.2: Pattern of Energy Consumption in Egypt 1997/98 694.3: Major Agricultural Products, 1992-97 695.1 : Number of Telephone Lines in Egypt (1982-2000) 805.2 : Egypt: Telephone Density by Governorate (2000) 805.3 : Number of Mobile Users (1997-2000) 815.4 : Egypt: Distribution of the ISPs By Region (July 2000) 815.5 : Number of Internet Users in Thousands 815.6 : Egypt: Telephone Mainlines Density in 1999 846.1 The Analytical Framework of Economic Reform Program 947.1 Arab Direct Investment in Egypt 2000 1127.2 Estimates of Egyptians Working in Some Arab Countries 115Annexes2.1 Constructing a Broader <strong>Human</strong> <strong>Development</strong> Index 404.1 Incorporating the Depletion of Non-Renewable Resources as a Cost of Production 76

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