scsi interface specification - Plasmon

scsi interface specification - Plasmon

scsi interface specification - Plasmon


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DRIVE COMMAND SET START/STOP UNIT (1BH)START/STOP UNIT (1BH)The START/STOP UNIT command requests the LaserDrive to spin up and initialize for operation or spindown.START/STOP UNIT Command (1BH)BITBYTE7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0Immediate (Immed)An Immediate (Immed) bit of one indicates that ending status is to be returned as soon as the commandhas been received and validated. If the Immed bit is set, all nonaccess commands will be accepted andexecuted. Access commands will be accepted but will report a check condition until the drive is ready. TheTEST UNIT READY command should be used to determine if the drive is ready before issuing an accesscommand. An Immed bit of zero indicates that status will not be returned until after the operation iscompleted.Load Eject (LoEj)The Load Eject (LoEj) bit is used by the LF 6600/LF 6602 and ignored by the LD 6100. The bit will causea START/STOP command to operate like the LOAD switch. A Load Eject bit of zero requests that noaction be taken to load or eject the media from or to the shuttle. A Load Eject bit of one requests the mediabe unloaded, if the Start bit is zero. If the Start bit is one, the media selected via the MODE SELECTcommand or DOC for Auto Load will be loaded into the LaserDrive.Start00 START/STOP UNIT (1BH)01 LUN 0 Reserved Immed02 Reserved03 Reserved04 Reserved LoEj Start05 ReservedA Start bit of one requests the LaserDrive spindle be brought up to speed. A Start bit of zero requests thatthe LaserDrive spindle be stopped.PLASMON L M S - LD 6100/LF 6600/LF 6602 SCSI INTERFACE SPECIFICATIONPage 116

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