scsi interface specification - Plasmon

scsi interface specification - Plasmon

scsi interface specification - Plasmon


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DRIVE COMMAND SETMOVE MEDIA (02H - LF 6600/LF 6602 ONLY)MOVE MEDIA (02H - LF 6600/LF 6602 ONLY)The MOVE MEDIA command moves media between the LF 6600/LF 6602 shuttle and the embeddeddrive. The design of the LF 6600/LF 6602 prevents the shuttle from moving if a media cartridge is insertedin the drive. Because of this design, a loaded media cartridge must always be returned to the originalstorage address before the shuttle can move. Because a media cartridge will always be returned to theoriginal storage address, this operation is transparent for the MOVE MEDIA command. In addition, theimplied spin up or spin down is also assumed and transparent for this command. The addresses whichcontain a media cartridge can be determined via the MODE SENSE command.MOVE MEDIA Command (02H) (LF 6600/LF 6602 Only)BITBYTE7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0Load00 MOVE MEDIA (02H)01 LUN 0 Reserved Load Immed02 Reserved03 Reserved04 Storage Address05 ReservedIf the Load bit is set, the LF 6600/LF 6602 will load the media specified by the Storage Address byte. If amedia from a different storage address is in the embedded drive, it will automatically be unloaded.If the Load bit is not set, the media in the embedded drive will be returned to its original storage locationand the shuttle will be positioned to the storage address. If the Storage Address field is zero, the shuttlewill be moved to the Home position and the MRU (Most Recently Used) AutoLoad selection option will beupdated if applicable (see previous section, LaserFile Media Status Page in MODE SENSE).Immediate (Immed)An Immediate (Immed) bit of one indicates that ending status is to be returned as soon as the commandhas been received and validated. If the Immed bit is set, all nonaccess commands will be accepted andexecuted. Access commands will be accepted, but will report a check condition until the drive is ready.The TEST UNIT READY command should be used to determine if the drive is ready before issuing anaccess command. An Immed bit of zero indicates that status will not be returned until after the operation iscompleted.If disconnect is allowed, the LF 6600/LF 6602 will disconnect after validating the command and reconnectwhen the MOVE MEDIA command has completed.Storage AddressThe Storage Address specifies the address in the shuttle that contains media to be loaded into theembedded drive (values 1 - 6).If this command is received and the shuttle storage address is empty, or not in the range of addressesassigned (1-6), the LF 6600/LF 6602 will return CHECK CONDITION status and set the Sense Key toILLEGAL REQUEST.97653978 HPage 83

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