scsi interface specification - Plasmon

scsi interface specification - Plasmon

scsi interface specification - Plasmon


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DRIVE COMMAND SET MODE SENSE (1AH)Media Loaded FieldThe Media Loaded Field indicates which media is currently loaded. A value of 0 indicates that no media isloaded in the drive.Door OpenIf the Door Open bit is set, the Storage Address Field will not contain valid information.Storage AddressThe Storage Address field is a bit significant field indicating which storage addresses contain media, asindicated here:BITADDRESS0 11 22 33 44 55 6If a bit is set, media is present at that address. If a media is loaded into the baseplates, it will still be shownas present in this field, as well as in the Media Loaded Field.CURRENT VALUESA PC field value of zero requests that the LaserDrive return the current values for the page code specified.The current values returned are:• parameters set in the last successful MODE SELECT command• saved values if a MODE SELECT command has not been executedIf the Page Code is 3FH, all implemented pages are requested to be returned by the LaserDrive.Supported pages (01H, 02H and 20H, 21H [LF 6600/LF 6602 only]) are returned in ascending order.Parameters not supported by the LaserDrive are set to zero. The parameter length of each page indicatesthe length of the parameters that are supported.CHANGEABLE VALUESA PC field value of 1H requests that the LaserDrive return the changeable values for the page codespecified. The page requested is returned with the bits that are allowed to be changed set to one.Parameters that are not changeable are set to zero. If any part of a field is changeable, all bits in that fieldare set to one. If the page code is 3FH, all implemented pages requested are returned by the LaserDrive.DEFAULT VALUESA PC field value of 2H requests the LaserDrive return the default values for the page code specified. Thepage requested is then returned with the default parameters set. Parameters not supported by theLaserDrive are set to zero. If the page code is 3FH, all implemented pages are returned by the LaserDrive.SAVED VALUESA PC field value of 3H requests the LaserDrive return the saved values for the page code specified. Thepage requested will be returned with the parameters set to their saved values. Parameters not supportedby the LaserDrive will be set to zero. All savable pages can be considered saved when a MODE SELECTcommand issued with the SP bit set to one has returned a GOOD status.PLASMON L M S - LD 6100/LF 6600/LF 6602 SCSI INTERFACE SPECIFICATIONPage 82

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