Year of publication 1960 - Fell and Rock Climbing Club

Year of publication 1960 - Fell and Rock Climbing Club

Year of publication 1960 - Fell and Rock Climbing Club


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Peter M<strong>of</strong>fat 61LANGDALEGIMMER CRAGKIPLING GROOVE 195 feet. Very severe. First ascent 19thDIRECT START August, 1959. H. I. Barre, J. P. O'Neill,L.J.G. Starts up a fault from the bottom to thetop <strong>of</strong> the North-west face.(1) 55 feet. Pitches 1 <strong>and</strong> 2 <strong>of</strong> the Crack.(2) 70 feet. Up the groove straight above the belay <strong>and</strong> itscontinuation crack to a stance <strong>and</strong> large belay on the left.(3) 70 feet. Climb the monolith; then move right, under the ro<strong>of</strong>,<strong>and</strong> then up the chimney to a stance <strong>and</strong> belay at the top <strong>of</strong>pitch 1 <strong>of</strong> Kipling Groove.INERTIA200 feet. Very severe. First ascent 26th August,1959. L. Brown, R. G. Wilson, C. E. M. Yates.Starts at the top <strong>of</strong> the grass rake leading up to pitch 6 <strong>of</strong> Hiatus,taking the steep corner groove between Hiatus <strong>and</strong> the Crack.(1) 90 feet. Climb to the top <strong>of</strong> a pedestal <strong>and</strong> into a groove onthe right which is climbed for 20 feet until it is possible tostep right, onto a wall. Climb the wall past a small sentryboxto a grass ledge <strong>and</strong> belay high on the right.(2) 60 feet. Descend to the left, traverse beneath the overhangalmost to the edge overlooking Hiatus. Gain a small spikeon the edge using a sling as a foothold. Move up <strong>and</strong>slightly left to enter a mossy groove which is climbed to abelay below Grooves Superdirect.(3) 50 feet. Grooves Superdirect to top.THE RIB 90 feet. Very severe. First ascent 12th September,1959. G.O., M. Connell. Starts frompitch 8 <strong>of</strong> the Crack.From the Bower, climb 15 feet up the Crack, then traverse right,across the wall, to the edge <strong>of</strong> the rib above the chimney <strong>of</strong> KiplingGroove. Continue straight up the crack above.PAVEYARKTROLL'S CORNER210 feet. Very severe. First ascent 29th June,1958. J. A. Austin, J. M. Ruffe. Starts a fewfeet left <strong>of</strong> Gwynne's Chimney.(1) 50 feet. Climb past a small tree to a large grass ledge.(2) 30 feet. The slabby corner to a belay.(3) 30 feet. Climb the groove above the belay until it is possibleto traverse left to a grass ledge which leads to a corner onthe left. Flake belay.(4) 50 feet. Climb the corner which is strenuous to a ledge <strong>and</strong>belay.(5) 50 feet. The wall above is climbed past a grass ledge to easvslabs.

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