Year of publication 1960 - Fell and Rock Climbing Club

Year of publication 1960 - Fell and Rock Climbing Club

Year of publication 1960 - Fell and Rock Climbing Club


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Peter M<strong>of</strong>fat 63above almost to a junction with Slip Not, then step left intoan overhanging groove. Climb this, exit left onto a ledge <strong>and</strong>belay.(3) 20 feet. The vertical broken wall above on large holds.NECKBANDVIRGO150 feet. Very severe. First ascent 2nd May,1959. CO., F. Carroll, N. Brown. Starts10 feet right <strong>of</strong> Gizzard.(1) 75 feet. Climb the corner <strong>and</strong> overhang at 30 feet to a slopingledge. The next few feet are done with the aid <strong>of</strong> a piton,<strong>and</strong> the corner climbed to beneath the final overhang.(Chockstone for runner.)continue to a ledge <strong>and</strong> belay.(2) 75 feet. Climb the broken wall on the left.RAVEN CRAG EASTMove right onto the rib <strong>and</strong>SCHIZEN GROOVE 100 feet. Very severe. First ascent 5th September,1959. M. Burke, G. VVoodhouse. Starts20 feet right <strong>of</strong> Ornithology.An awkward start leads to a small pinnacle. Traverse a few feetright <strong>and</strong> climb up into a groove below a small overhang. Goodhold over the bulge enables the overhang to be turned. Anothermove brings easier climbing until a final ro<strong>of</strong> is reached. Traverseright <strong>and</strong> easy climbing leads to a big grass ledge.RIGHT OF 85 feet. Severe. First ascent 30th July, 1959.PEASCOD'S ROUTE D. Brown, D. C. Ivins. Starts 40 feet to theright <strong>of</strong> Peascod's Route.(1) 70 feet. Start directly below a pinnacle <strong>and</strong> climb slightly leftfor 10 feet to a large grass ledge. Then climb directly ontothe pinnacle, first on the front, but gradually moving ontothe right-h<strong>and</strong> edge to a small ledge. Thread belay.(2) 15 feet. Climb left from the belay <strong>and</strong> make an awkwardmove onto the outside edge which is followed to the top.RAVEN CRAG FAR EASTWARLOCK100 feet. Very severe. First ascent 11th July,1959. M. J. Burke, G. Woodhouse. Starts atthe top <strong>of</strong> pitch 2 <strong>of</strong> Nineveh.(1) 40 feet. The Girdle is reversed until the slab can be ascendedto a holly tree belay on the left.(2) 60 feet. Traverse right to the open groove beneath the ro<strong>of</strong>.Three pitons lead to the ro<strong>of</strong>; another three enable thegroove on the edge to be reached. Climb the groove to asmall ledge <strong>and</strong> spike belay.CAUSTIC 130 feet. Very severe. First ascent 27thSeptember, 1959. R. P. Grounds, C. Harkins.Starts 30 feet left <strong>of</strong> Nineveh.(1) 30 feet. Straight up the left-h<strong>and</strong> side <strong>of</strong> a rib to a small stance.E

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