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fixed estimate <strong>of</strong> the net VSLY. This estimate was $151,000 16 in 2006, which inflates to$157,795 in 2008 dollars. This is very similar to the average net VSLY estimated using theAccess Economics (2008) meta-analysis, and is suggested for calculations in modellinghere.2.3.7 NET PRESENT VALUE AND THE DISCOUNT RATEWhere future costs are ascribed to the year 2007 throughout the report the formula forcalculating the NPV <strong>of</strong> those cost streams is provided below.NPV = ΣC i /(1+r)^i where i=0,1,2….nwhereC i = cost in year i, n = years that costs are incurred and r = discount rate.Choosing an appropriate discount rate is a subject <strong>of</strong> some debate, as it varies depending onwhat type <strong>of</strong> future income or cost stream is being considered. The discount rate needs toappropriately take into account risks, inflation and positive time preference. Risk and positive time preference: The minimum option that one can adopt indiscounting future expected healthy life streams and other costs is to set future valueson the basis <strong>of</strong> a risk free assessment about the future i.e. assume the future flows aresimilar to the certain flows attaching to a long term Government bond. From recenthistory, the long term nominal bond rate has averaged 5.8% per annum (Figure 2-12).If there were no positive time preference, people would be indifferent between havingsomething now or a long way <strong>of</strong>f in the future, which applies to all goods and services.FIGURE 2-12: TEN-YEAR GOVERNMENT BOND YIELDS (DAILY)Source: Bloomberg, Reserve Bank <strong>of</strong> Australia.Inflation: The Reserve Bank has a clear mandate to pursue a monetary policy thatdelivers 2% to 3% inflation over the course <strong>of</strong> the economic cycle. This is a realisticlonger run goal and an inflation rate in this range (2.8%) is used in arriving at thediscount rate for healthy life below. It is important to allow for inflation in order to derivea real rather than nominal rate.16 http://www.finance.gov.au/obpr/cost-benefit-analysis.html50

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