Volume 61 Issue 2 (2011) - Годишник на ТУ - София - Технически ...

Volume 61 Issue 2 (2011) - Годишник на ТУ - София - Технически ...

Volume 61 Issue 2 (2011) - Годишник на ТУ - София - Технически ...

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given field distribution using complex objective function. A BLDC motor pole is designedfor optimal shape determination. This example illustrates multiparametric optimizationproblem. GA method realization offers some strong advantages in that casesuch as fast global minimum reaching and high accuracy due to Femm model includedin optimization process.7. AcknowledgementPart of this research is supported by the National Science Fund of the Ministry of Educationand Science of Bulgaria under Contract “D002-157/2008”.REFERENCES[1] Jabbari A., Shakeri M., Gholamian A., (2009), Rotor Pole Shape Optimizationof Permanent Magnet Brushless DC Motors Using the Reduced Basis Technique,Advances in Electrical and Computer Eng., Vol. 9, No. 2, pp. 75-81.[2] Timarac I., Gacanovic M., Genetic algorithms and their application in solvingshape optimization problems in electromagnetics, Proceedings of the InternationalPhD Seminar “Computational Electromagnetics and Technical Applications”,Banjaluka, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2006.[3] Wiak S., Krawczyk A., Doležel I., Intelligent computer techniques in appliedelectromagnetics, Springer-Verlag, 2008.[4] Di Barba P., Multiobjective shape design in electricity and magnetism, Springer,2010.[5] Di Barba P., Savini A., Wiak S., Field models in electricity and magnetism,Springer, 2008.[6] Alexandrov A., Computer aided design of electrical apparatus, Avangard-Prima, 2004.[7] Meeker D., Finite element method magnetics, Version 4.2, User’s manual, 2009.[8] Meeker D., Finite element method magnetics: OctaveFEMM, Version 1.2, User’smanual, 2009.[9] Matlab Inc, The Language of Technical Computing, MATLAB Graphics Reference,2006.[10] Terzova A., Katsarski K., Kashukeev K., Mateev V., Marinova I., (2010),Computer Modelling and Optimization of Electromagnets in Education onElectrical Apparatus, Proceedings of the International PhD Seminar “ComputationalElectromagnetics and Optimization in Electrical Engineering”, 10-13 September2010, Sofia, Bulgaria, 2010, pp. 154-158.Автори: Илиа<strong>на</strong> Маринова, професор дтн инж., катедра “Електрически апарати”,еmail: iliana@tu-sofia.bg; бак. инж. Анелия Терзова, студент, катедра “Електрическиапарати”; маг. инж. Валентин Матеев, асистент, катедра “Електрическиапарати”, еmail: vmateev@tu-sofia.bgПостъпила <strong>на</strong> 09.11.<strong>2011</strong>Рецензент проф. дтн E. Николов112

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