St Edmundsbury Core Strategy (December 2010)

St Edmundsbury Core Strategy (December 2010)

St Edmundsbury Core Strategy (December 2010)


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ClareONS Population Estimate 2007: 1,900Position in <strong>Core</strong> <strong>St</strong>rategy Settlement Hierarchy: Key Service CentreClare has a good network of existing infrastructure for a Key Service Centre of itssize. It is well served currently for allotments and amenity open space. There isalso a good provision of GPs in Clare. The Library and good provision ofcommunity facilities mean that it has a range of facilities to underpin strong andvital neighbourhoods in the centre. New provision and improvement of existingprovision of desirable infrastructure such as nature reserves, outdoor sportsfacilities and playgrounds will all need to be considered. The key infrastructureconstraints for Clare are the provision of dentist which is nearing a tipping pointand the consideration of transport issues if high levels of growth are to beaccommodated. There is also only a small level of pupil capacity in the settlementsexisting schools.ClareThemeCapacityIssues/RisksFundamental/Essential/RequiredInfrastructureHow provisionwill be metGreenInfrastructureNatureReserves/SportsPitches/NonSportsPitches/AmenityOpenSpace/Allotments/PlaygroundsLimitedcapacity.Provision ofnaturereserves,sports and nonpitch sports,andplaygroundsrequired tomeet furthergrowthGood capacityfor amenityopen spaceand allotmentstoaccommodatefuturedevelopment0+ new homes triggersrequirement for naturereserves, playgrounds andnon pitch sports117+ new homes triggersrequirement for sportspitches8,546+ new homestriggers requirement foramenity open space1,282+ new homestriggers requirement forallotmentsAll of the above areclassified as „RequiredInfrastructure‟Expansion/Upgrading ofexisting facilitiesand provision ofnew facilitiesDevelopercontributionssought onapplicationbasisRisks: Currentprovision willnot be capableof providing forthe increasedpopulationHealthGPs/DentistsCurrent goodGP capacity toaccommodate2,026+ new homestriggers required GPs40+ new homes triggersExpansion/Upgrading ofexisting facilities129

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