St Edmundsbury Core Strategy (December 2010)

St Edmundsbury Core Strategy (December 2010)

St Edmundsbury Core Strategy (December 2010)


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Policy CS6 – Gypsies, Travellers and Travelling Showpeople4.80 In considering the needs of gypsies and travelling show people, the BoroughCouncil will have regard to government and regional policy. A single issue reviewof the East of England Plan, “Planning for Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation”has been carried out, and the Secretary of <strong>St</strong>ate published the final policy in July2009.4.81 The review sets out the number of authorised pitches in each authority, andunder Policy H3 sets targets for the provision of pitches by 2011. <strong>St</strong> <strong>Edmundsbury</strong>is required to provide a minimum of 20 additional pitches by 2011 (the number ofauthorised pitches in 2008 was two). In addition, beyond this period the reviewrequires the Council to plan for an annual 3% increase in overall pitch provision.For <strong>St</strong> <strong>Edmundsbury</strong> this would mean an additional requirement of 17 pitchesbetween 2011 and 2021.4.82 Policy H4 of the review sets out the provision for Travelling Showpeople andrequires nine plots to be provided in Suffolk between 2006 and 2011. Beyond thisperiod there is a requirement for a 1.5% annual increase. This accommodation willbe provided to meet identified needs through joint partnership working asrequired under Policy H4 of the review.4.83 Sites for permanent and transit accommodation will be identified in the AreaAction Plans for Bury <strong>St</strong> Edmunds and Haverhill and the Rural Site AllocationsDPDs after consultation with the community and all interested parties.Policy CS6 Gypsies, Travellers and Travelling ShowpeopleSites will be identified for Gypsies, Travellers and Travelling Showpeoplein the Rural Site Allocations DPD and the Area Action Plans for Bury <strong>St</strong>Edmunds and Haverhill in accordance with national and regional policy.Proposals for Gypsy sites and sites for Travelling Showpeople will bepermitted where a site has been identified in a DPD, or in the interim,where they would not cause unacceptable harm having regard to thefollowing factors:a) Designated and protected habitats and species, heritagedesignations, soil and water quality, and other natural resources;b) The location in relation to schools, medical facilities, shops and otherlocal services and community facilities;c) The amenities of nearby occupiers;d) Their size and scale in relation to any nearby existing community;e)The character and appearance of the countryside;f) The provision of a satisfactory means of access and the adequacy ofthe highway network.A condition or legal agreement to control the future uses of sites forGypsies and Travelling Showpeople may be imposed, as appropriate.Where the use is short term, the development will be limited by atemporary permission.51

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