St Edmundsbury Core Strategy (December 2010)

St Edmundsbury Core Strategy (December 2010)

St Edmundsbury Core Strategy (December 2010)


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Policy CS3 - Design and Local Distinctiveness4.44 Successful places depend upon good design. Cultural opportunities are alsovital attractions in successful towns and cities. The involvement of urbandesigners, landscape architects and artists and crafts people early in the designprocess will help greatly in creating an urban form which is culturally stimulatingand unique, while the creation of attractive open spaces can make a significantdifference to the quality of the urban environment.4.45 The most successful urban places are unique and memorable because theycombine an attractive built environment with a lively mix of functions. As aconsequence they tend to be reasonably self-contained, being capable of meetingthe local needs of their communities. Getting these qualities right at the outset ofany development will deliver more prosperous communities and truly distinctiveplaces.4.46 There are many parts of the borough which, although not of sufficientarchitectural or historic merit to warrant Conservation Area status, neverthelesshave a strong local identity which is valued by residents and contributes positivelyto the borough‟s character. Areas will develop strong links around a variety ofshared interests or common values, and community interaction can be influencedby the type and location of housing and other facilities. In areas attractive tofamilies with children, for instance, the local school or play area will be importantfocal points, and community networks can build from these links.4.47 It is important that the streetscape, or “public realm” of our town centres issafe, attractive and people-friendly to encourage walking, cycling, shopping, sightseeingand other leisure activities. In some cases traffic will need to be calmed toprovide a safe and attractive street environment. Bury <strong>St</strong> Edmunds and Haverhillwill be priority areas for streetscape improvements and traffic management tosupport the additional growth in these towns. Schemes will be identified in theArea Action Plans to be prepared for the two towns, and a detailed policy requiringnew development to contribute to improvements to the public realm will beincluded in the Development Management DPD.4.48 The design and layout of development can have a significant impact on theenvironment, quality of life and the use of limited resources. Concept <strong>St</strong>atements,Development Briefs and Masterplans will be required on certain sites to help inproviding definition and meaning to a place which is to be created and to assist insetting out the framework for investment and implementation.Policy CS3 Design and Local DistinctivenessProposals for new development must create and contribute to a highquality, safe and sustainable environment.Proposals will be expected to address, as appropriate, the followingcomponents:detailed heritage and conservation design appraisals andinformation;consideration of protection of the landscape and historic views;an understanding of the local context and an indication of how theproposal will enhance the area and improve community safety;protection of the natural and historic environment;in proposals for housing, the density and mix of housing;42

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