St Edmundsbury Core Strategy (December 2010)

St Edmundsbury Core Strategy (December 2010)

St Edmundsbury Core Strategy (December 2010)


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working, such as workspace extensions (subject to criteria including scale, noiseand disturbance), and live/work units. The conversion or redevelopment oftraditional rural buildings to create small local business parks or rural enterprisehubs in sustainable locations and in scale and character with their surroundingswill also be encouraged.Policy CS9 Employment and the Local EconomyProvision will be made for development that will aim to deliver at least13,000 additional jobs in the borough by 2026. Employment land east ofSuffolk Business Park, Bury <strong>St</strong> Edmunds (68.28 hectares) and HanchettEnd at Haverhill (12 hectares) (Proposals Map, Key Diagram andAppendix 5) is allocated to enable the delivery of additional jobs insustainable locations in the towns of Bury <strong>St</strong> Edmunds and Haverhill.Employment growth will also be achieved by the allocation of land foremployment uses in mixed use developments in Bury <strong>St</strong> Edmunds,Haverhill, and the Key and Local Service Centres, and through policiessupporting growth in the rural economy, retail, leisure and tourism.Existing General Employment Areas in or near Key Service Centres orLocal Service Centres will continue to be protected and promoted foremployment uses.Policies in Area Action Plans will ensure employment growth within adiverse local economy that will deliver a substantial proportion of thejobs target for “the Rest of Suffolk” identified in the East of EnglandPlan. Growth will focus on Bury <strong>St</strong> Edmunds in the north of the boroughto ensure that the town can fulfil its role as a Key Centre forDevelopment and Change, by providing for quality employmentdevelopment at the Suffolk Business Park. In the south of the borough,growth will be concentrated in Haverhill so that it can continue to meetthe local employment needs in the Greater Cambridge area, particularlythose of research and development and bio-technology industries.Existing employment areas will continue to meet local and sub-regionalneeds at Clare, Great Wratting, Chedburgh, Barnham, Saxham and<strong>St</strong>anton/Hepworth (Shepherd's Grove).Proposals for growth in Key Service Centres and Local Service Centreswill be expected to include provision for employment land and premisesto meet local needs and encourage sustainable communities including,where viable, integrated within strategic areas of growth.All employment proposals will be expected to meet the criteria set out inPolicy CS2 to protect and enhance natural resources and ensure thesustainable design of the built environment.Policies in Development Plan Documents will set criteria for thecontinued encouragement of sustainable employment development andtourism development opportunities (including conversion of suitablebuildings) in villages and rural areas.3. This PPS replaces Planning Policy Guidance Note 4: Industrial, commercial development andsmall firms (PPG4, 1992), Planning Policy Guidance Note 5: Simplified Planning Zones (PPG5,1992), Planning Policy <strong>St</strong>atement 6: Planning for town centres (PPS6, 2005), Planning Policy58

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