St Edmundsbury Core Strategy (December 2010)

St Edmundsbury Core Strategy (December 2010)

St Edmundsbury Core Strategy (December 2010)


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RSSSASCISEARegional Spatial<strong>St</strong>rategyRural ServiceCentreSustainabilityAppraisal<strong>St</strong>atement ofCommunityInvolvement<strong>St</strong>rategicEnvironmentalAssessmentSite specificallocationsSpatial planningThe broad spatial strategy for the regionprepared by the East of England RegionalAssembly, and forming part of the statutoryDevelopment Plan.A larger village that fits within the Spatial<strong>St</strong>rategy set out in policies SS1 and SS4 of theEast of England Plan, i.e. villages that includesome or all of the services and facilities listedin paragraph 3.17 of the East of EnglandPlan.Identifies and evaluates the effects of thestrategy or plan on social, environmental andeconomic conditions.Document setting out how and whenstakeholders and other interested parties willbe consulted and involved in the preparationof the LDF (and in the consideration ofindividual planning applications).An assessment of the environmental effects ofa plan or programme required by EU Directive2001/42/EC. Combined with the AssessmentSustainability Appraisal.Allocations of sites for specific or mixed usesor development, to be contained in theAllocations DPD. Policies will identify anyspecific requirements for individual proposals.The sites themselves will be shown on aProposals Map.The concept of spatial planning is intended tobe at the heart of the new planning system.Previously, the focus of the planning systemwas narrow and regulatory. The new spatialplanning system of RSS and LDF is muchwider and more inclusive. Spatial planningconcerns itself with places, how they functionand relate together – and its objectives are tomanage change to secure the best achievablequality of life for all in the community, withoutwasting scarce resources or spoiling theenvironment. It will include policies which canimpact on land use, for example byinfluencing the demands on, or needs for,development, but which are not capable ofbeing delivered solely or mainly through thegranting or refusal of planning permission,and which may be implemented by othermeans.SPD Supplementary Elaborates on policies or proposals in DPDs,90

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