St Edmundsbury Core Strategy (December 2010)

St Edmundsbury Core Strategy (December 2010)

St Edmundsbury Core Strategy (December 2010)


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(positive or negative) being monitored. It helps to ensure that any adverse effectsarising during implementation of the plan can be identified and action can betaken to address them.8.29 The monitoring indicators set out in Appendix 7 are intended to measure thekey outcomes sought, and provide a brief guide to overall progress on the <strong>Core</strong><strong>St</strong>rategy. Each Development Plan Document will be monitored individually, andthe results brought together in the Annual Monitoring Report. The involvement ofpartner organisations will be sought wherever appropriate and are in manyinstances already being undertaken.8.30 Future Annual Monitoring Reports will therefore need to identify whether:The policies are achieving their objectives and especially whether they aredelivering sustainable development;the policies are having unintended consequences;the assumptions and objectives that support the policies are still relevant;and,our targets are being achieved, especially in relation to the delivery for newhomes and jobs.8.31 The Sustainability Assessment process has identified a range of significantsustainability effects (and indicators) which will require monitoring as part of theplan implementation. Sustainability Appraisal monitoring will be incorporated intowider monitoring arrangements reported in the Annual Monitoring Report. Thesustainability effects which should be monitored and the indicators to be utilisedare included in the Sustainability Appraisal which accompanies the <strong>Core</strong> <strong>St</strong>rategy.Policy CS15 Plan, Monitor, ManageCompliance with policies and allocations in the Local DevelopmentFramework (LDF) will be continuously monitored throughout the planperiod. If, through monitoring, it appears that policies and allocationsare not being met, the following mechanisms will be triggered:1. Review of housing and employment land supply and allocations;2. Action to bring forward sites for development, wherever possible inpartnership with landowners and developers;3. Action to bring forward development on previously developed land;4. Action to secure the timely provision of infrastructure;5. Review of relevant parts of the LDF86

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