St Edmundsbury Core Strategy (December 2010)

St Edmundsbury Core Strategy (December 2010)

St Edmundsbury Core Strategy (December 2010)


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Edmunds and Haverhill as outlined in the table below:2011 (sq m net) 2016 (sq m net) 2021 (sq m net)Location(1) (2)(3)ConvenienceGoodsComparisonGoodsConvenienceGoodsComparisonGoodsConvenienceGoodsComparisonGoodsBury <strong>St</strong>EdmundsTownCentreBury <strong>St</strong>EdmundsNonCentralHaverhillTownCentreHaverhillNonCentral2,800 2,000 3,350 11,350 3,900 22,100-150 2,050 400 9,300 950 17,5502,100 2,250 2,400 3,600 2,650 5,0500 -50 200 700 400 1,550(1) The forecasts in the table are cumulative, i.e. the forecasts for each date include the forecasts forthe previous dates and are not additional to those earlier requirements.(2) The forecasts are for new floorspace in addition to the permitted Cattle Market scheme in Bury <strong>St</strong>Edmunds town centre. They include the proposed superstore on the Roys site in Bury <strong>St</strong> Edmunds towncentre and the Tesco superstore in Haverhill; the net comparison goods sales areas in which should besubtracted from the forecasts, to arrive at the capacity for further floorspace thereafter(3)The „Town Centre‟ and „Non Central‟ retail floorspace figures should not be used to prejudge theoutcome of the sequential approach.Since the Appraisal was completed, additional consents have been granted for (Asda) 3,400sq metres net of convenience goods floorspace in Bury <strong>St</strong> Edmunds and (Tesco) 3,988 sqmetres net of convenience goods floorspace in Haverhill. The net areas should besubtracted from the above forecasts in the 2011 column to arrive at the capacity of furtherfloorspace thereafter.Retail and leisure activity elsewhere will be focused on those Key Service and Local ServiceCentres identified in <strong>Core</strong> <strong>St</strong>rategy Policy CS4 and in the new local centres located in theareas for growth identified in Policies CS11 and CS12. The development of services andfacilities in these locations will be expected to be of an appropriate scale and character toreflect the role and function of the local centres and in accordance with the sequentialapproach.63

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