Reducing Adolescent Sexual Risk: A Theoretical - ETR Associates

Reducing Adolescent Sexual Risk: A Theoretical - ETR Associates

Reducing Adolescent Sexual Risk: A Theoretical - ETR Associates

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Figure2-3 An Example of a Logic Model to Reduce Pregnancy and <strong>Sexual</strong>ly Transmitted Diseaseby Implementing a <strong>Sexual</strong>ity Education Curriculum (Continued)Individual <strong>Risk</strong> andCurriculum Activities Protective Factors Behaviors Goals• Provide accurate information about the risks of STDs (including HIV) (see above)• Implement simulation activities in which adolescents can see how STDs can spreadrapidly in people engaging in unprotected sex with multiple partners (see above)• Have people who are HIV positive talk about the impact that HIV has had upontheir livesIncrease knowledge andperception of risks andconsequences of contracting anSTD (including HIV) if engagingin sex without condomsIncrease correct andconsistent use ofcondomsReduce STD• Provide accurate information on the effectiveness of condoms in preventingpregnancy and STDs, if used consistently and correctlyIncrease knowledge of effectivenessof condoms in preventingpregnancy and STD• Brainstorm ways to have condoms available and ready when needed• Brainstorm ways to make condom use more sensual rather than less sensual• Provide accurate information on how different types of condoms (correct size,lubricated, etc.) can both reduce breakage and slippage and increase pleasureImprove attitudes about condomuse: Decrease attitude thatcondoms are a hassle, interruptthe mood, reduce pleasure, indicatea lack of trust, etc.• Provide parents with accurate information about adolescent sexual behavior,pregnancy, STDs, and the effectiveness of condoms• Give students homework assignments in which they talk with their parents or othertrusted adults about abstaining from sex and condom useIncrease communication withparents about condom use andsupport for use if sexually active• Identify peers who are popular among different groups of adolescents and who arewilling to publicly support a message about avoiding unprotected sex• Have groups of peers plan and implement school-wide activities such as assemblies,contests, small media materials and small group discussions, all of which promoteavoiding unprotected sex by abstaining from sex and using condoms if having sex• Conduct school-wide polls and report results showing support for adolescentsavoiding unprotected sex and using condoms if having sex; provide individualstories to personalize results of the polls• Collect survey data from students and report results showing that most studentsabstain from sex or use condoms• Implement plays in which adolescents successfully resist sex or always use condomsIncrease perception that peerssupport the use of condoms ifsexually active• Have groups of students go to different places where condoms are available andassess how easily and comfortably teens could obtain condoms there• Have students go to one or more places where condoms are available and assess thetypes of condoms available and their costIncrease self-efficacy to obtaincondoms(Continued)Chapter 2 Creating a Logic Model and Learning Objectives 19

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