2005/2006 - SANParks

2005/2006 - SANParks

2005/2006 - SANParks


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ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTSfor the year ended 31 March <strong>2006</strong><strong>2006</strong>South African National Parks31 March <strong>2006</strong>R’00031 March <strong>2005</strong>R’000(i)Included in movable assets are assets that serve as security for a notarialbond in favour of IDC as detailed in Note 17 (i) and (ii).Cost115 338 79 098Accumulated depreciation (86,417) (61,765)Book value 28,921 17,333(ii) Included in moveable assets are assets that serve as security underfi nance leases as detailed in Note 17 (iii).Cost 8,068 16,990Accumulated depreciation (3,939) (7,444)Book value 4,129 9,54610 Work in progressWork in progress involves construction work in progress as well as landacquisitions in process.Opening balance 239,136 192,799Cost incurred during the year 115,973 110,304- Special project grant funds (Note 20) 70,890 58,568- Other funds 45,083 51,736Capitalised / transferred during the year (Note 9) (221,373) (63,967)- Land (51,230) (38,213)- Buildings and infrastructure (166,838) (17,248)- Vehicles, Aircraft and mechanical equipment (510) -- Furniture, offi ce equipment and computer software (2,795) (8,506)Adjustment (35,643) -Closing balance 98,093 239,13611 InvestmentsUnlisted investmentsDeferred remuneration policies 1,218 1,125Total investments 1,218 1,125Fair value of unlisted investments 1,218 1,125123

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