2005/2006 - SANParks

2005/2006 - SANParks

2005/2006 - SANParks


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<strong>2005</strong>South African National ParksFRONTIER PARKS CLUSTERADDO ELEPHANT NATIONAL PARKOVERVIEWThe size of the Addo Elephant National Park (AENP) increased to 164 136hectares. Negotiations to purchase two farms, Ingleside and Zietsmanshoopare underway, with the aim of consolidating the Nyati and Colchestersections of the park.Rainfall for the year was very sporadic with a total of 381.6mm received.If it were not for the high rainfall experienced during November <strong>2005</strong> thefi gure for the year would be well below the long-term average of 408.8mm.Ground water throughout the main Addo section has declined.The World Bank Project continued in its second year of six years. Numerousworks took place, goods were procured and consultancies fi nancedduring the period under review. These included the purchase of a wildliferecovery truck, the funding of research on marine and coastal birds andmarine resources and rehabilitation of roads and areas.The DEAT Poverty Relief Programme concentrated on the construction ofpredator-proof fencing around the Darlington area as well as the completionof the southern access road joining Camp Matyholweni on the N2 to themain game area of the park.Several tourism developments took place during the period under review.The ablution block in the caravan park was enlarged and ablutions fordisabled people were built on. Upgrading of accommodation facilitiestook place, including the repainting of certain facilities, maintenance ofthatch roofs, replacing of signs at the forest huts and the replacing of thesewerage pipe system at the ablution block.The project to upgrade the internal roads in the game area was completed.All outstanding faults in the cottages were rectifi ed by the contractor. Oldlinen was replaced with new. A major improvement was the building of athatch roof and wooden deck in front of the restaurant.CONSERVATIONNumerous translocations of wildlife took place during the period underreview. A herd of thirteen elephants were translocated from the KNP to theKuzuko Contractual Area of the AENP. This is the fi rst time that elephantshave been in the Karoo area of the park for over 150 years.Ten Addo Elephant bulls were captured and sold to private game reservesto relieve bull pressure in the park. Red Hartebeest, Buffalo, Burchell’sZebra and Eland were translocated to the Langvlakte Contractual Areaof the park.62

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