2005/2006 - SANParks

2005/2006 - SANParks

2005/2006 - SANParks


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<strong>2005</strong>South African National ParksCONSERVATION SERVICESGiven the growing interest in TFCAs as regional conservation-basedsocio-economic development initiatives, and in particular the drive by theMinister to realise the potential benefi ts associated with these projectsby 2010, it has become evident that there is a defi nite need to establisha more permanent structure at <strong>SANParks</strong>. In so doing, <strong>SANParks</strong> hasinitiated the necessary processes in order to facilitate the establishmentof a permanent TFCA Unit at its Head Offi ce in Pretoria.In addition to the above, key activities and milestones reached in <strong>2005</strong>/6included the following:|Ai-|Ais/Richtersveld Transfrontier Park (ARTP)Good progress has been made in the development of the South Africancomponent of the Sendelingsdrift Border Post, and the process towardsthe reopening of the pontoon. <strong>SANParks</strong> has acquired funds for thesedevelopments as part of the Poverty Relief Programme currently beingimplemented.Namibia also obtained approval for the development of its componentof the Border Post towards the end of <strong>2005</strong>, while construction willcommence in <strong>2006</strong>. It is anticipated that this facility, will be offi ciallyopened in March 2007.Good progress was also made with the development of the JointManagement Plan and Integrated Tourism Development Plan for the ARTP.In addition, both Namibia and South Africa have initiated a process tofacilitate the development of their components of the Ai-Ais / RichtersveldTransfrontier Conservation Area.Great Limpopo Transfrontier Park (GLTP)South Africa continued with the translocation of animals from the KrugerNational Park to the Limpopo National Park (LNP) in <strong>2005</strong>. The WildlifeTranslocation Programme, which is funded by the Peace Parks Foundation,is an important component of the development process of the GLTP inorder to facilitate the establishment of wildlife in the recently proclaimedLNP in Mozambique.In <strong>2005</strong> a total of 736 animals were translocated to the LNP in Mozambique.In addition, an additional 30km of the KNP eastern boundary fence wasdropped in <strong>2005</strong> to facilitate the re-establishment of wildlife migrationroutes. In total, approximately 45km of the KNP eastern boundary fencehas now been dropped.The Giriyondo Access Facility became operational on 7 December <strong>2005</strong>and, during the fi rst week of operation, approximately 100 tourists madeuse of the facility. Since then and up until 1 April <strong>2006</strong> a total of 3, 558tourists (1, 041 vehicles) have made use of the facility.12

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