2005/2006 - SANParks

2005/2006 - SANParks

2005/2006 - SANParks


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<strong>2006</strong>South African National ParksIPMP will be completed for public input and submission to the Ministerduring the next fi nancial year.TOURISMVisitor numbers in general are up by 14.77 % for the year, although theEaster weekend, one of the peak periods in the park, fell outside thefi nancial year. While the entrance gates to the park remain non-operational,it is not possible to determine the number of day visitors to the park asnot all day visitors take out day permits at Glen Reenen.Occupancies are up by 5.89 % and 8.9 % respectively for the yearcompared to the previous year, all of which indicates that the upgradedand expanded Glen Reenen rest camp and the new Highlands MountainRetreat are well received and utilised by visitors to the park. As a resultthe tourism income is up by 44,1% from the previous year due to morebeds that are available in the upgraded and expanded Glen Reenen restcamp and the new Highlands Mountain Retreat that has been operationalsince 1 September <strong>2005</strong>.The camping area at Glen Reenen rest camp is in urgent need of anupgrade and major maintenance. This will be addressed in the newfi nancial year.The Protea Hotel Golden Gate is outsourced to Faranani Consortium andmanaged by the Protea Group of Hotels. The feasibility and sustainabilityof this lease agreement is been looked at. The shop at Glen Reenen restcamp and the staff shop at Thabong were taken back from the sameoutsource lease agreement before the December holiday season andis now again managed by <strong>SANParks</strong>.CONSERVATIONThe 884.3mm rainfall for the year is 17% higher than the long-termaverage and the condition of veld is very good. Generally the wildlifeis also in a very good condition due to the good condition of the veld.The Little Caledon River and Ribbokspruit are fl owing, although it wasstagnant during December <strong>2005</strong>.The park did not experience the extreme minimum temperatures that theEastern Free State is so well-known for with an absolute minimum forthe year of only -5.5°C that was measured in June <strong>2005</strong>. An absolutemaximum for the year of 30.1°C was measured in November <strong>2005</strong>.No comparable game count fi gures exist for the previous year becauseno aerial game census was conducted. Due to the fact that game captureoperations in GGHNP also involves the Qwa-Qwa Provincial Reserve, itwas decided to put any game capture operation on hold until the Qwa-Qwa Provincial Reserve amalgamation has been completed.79

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