2005/2006 - SANParks

2005/2006 - SANParks

2005/2006 - SANParks


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<strong>2006</strong>South African National ParksTARGET PERFORMANCE RESULT COMMENTSTo establish Park Forums in 12National Parks.11 Park Forums were established. Extensive consultation process experienced with some ParkForums.As per project plan. Virtually in line with project plan. The EPWP is funded for the three year period of 2004/5 – <strong>2006</strong>/7and thus progress report is measured on a three year cycle. Moredetails provided in the Annual Report.o 2 500 learners for Kids in Parks o 2 600 for Kids in Parks. Targets were exceeded.Programme.o 85 000 people for all otherawareness and educationalprogrammes.o 86 000 for all other awarenessand educational programmes.Appoint a service provider to kickstartproject.Service Provider appointed andproject plan developed.Implementation of the programme is planned for the next fi nancialyear.Establish a baseline and target fornext fi nancial year.Baseline established at 4.48% ofaccommodation units.All new facilities developed in the parks are subject to UniversalAccess standards.System to be developed. System has been developed. The system was developed to monitor the best practicemanagement of Biodiversity Conservation, and will beimplemented in the next fi nancial year.System developed. System has been developed. The system was developed to monitor the best practicemanagement of cultural heritage and Indigenous Knowledge, andwill be implemented in the next fi nancial year.Recommendation report forconsideration by the Minister ofDEAT.Increase in the number of researchprojects undertaken in NationalParks.EE ratio as a percentage of thetotal employee base – 89%.To set up an assessment centrepartnership with a service provider.Development and Implementationof Survey.Development of a PerformanceMeasurement System.Specifi cation and initiation of aprocurement system.Introducing of manual processesand disciplines of ProjectManagement and ReportingSystem.Recommendation report presented The Minister will determine the norms and standards relatingto Minister.to the management of elephants. The organisation will developaction plans in accordance with Ministerial guidelines.155 new research projects were Focus will be placed on measuring the quality of the researchundertaken in <strong>2005</strong>/6 resulting in projects in the next fi nancial year.an increase of 46% compared to2004/5.94% The break-down of performance per category is provided in theAnnual Report.Assessment Centre partnership inplace.The assessment centres became operational in June <strong>2005</strong>. Atotal of 96 people were assessed. The Assessment Centre ismainly used for recruitment and selection, career development,talent identifi cation, as well as leadership development purposes.Employee Satisfaction Survey Due to other signifi cant change management relatedQuestionnaire has beenprogrammes, such as the introduction of the Balance Scorecard,developed.a decision was made to defer the survey to the next fi nancialyear.The manual system wasThe system has been developed and will be implemented anddeveloped for implementation in adapted onto an IT Software Programme in the new year.the new fi nancial year.Procurement process has been Change of the HR System is planned to take place in the nextinitiated.year.The introduction of manual An electronic/software system will be implemented in the nextprocesses and systems has year and should bring tighter controls to the management ofadvanced suffi ciently to be able to projects and their associated resources and deliverables.introduce a Software system in thenext fi nancial year.87

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