2005/2006 - SANParks

2005/2006 - SANParks

2005/2006 - SANParks


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<strong>2005</strong>South African National ParksCAPE PARKS CLUSTERWEST COAST NATIONAL PARKOVERVIEWThe park continued to carry out its mandate and generally performedwell when compared to previous years. Notably, as of 28 October <strong>2005</strong>,portions of the farm Langefontein were proclaimed and now fall within<strong>SANParks</strong>’ custodianship.CONSERVATION ISSUESAll roads throughout the park were graded and many of the access/tributaryroads in Stofbergsfontein and the road from Kraalbaai to Tsaarsbankwere also upgraded. No re-introduction of any game species took placeduring the period under review.CLIMATIC CONDITIONSRainfall (mm)MONTH POSTBERG LANGEBAAN GEELBEKApril 63.0 34.5 19.6May 55.5 38 31.2June 48.0 49.3 59.2July 14.0 4.5 6.6August 27.0 54.5 63.2September 16.0 16.0 20.4October 5.0 3.5 5.2November 6.0 8.2 7.2December - 0 0January - 0.5 0.2February - 6.5 3.6March - 2.5 0Due to the good rainfall experienced between April and June <strong>2005</strong>, theveld responded well resulting in fl owers being more abundant than inprevious years.A total of 77 angling permit patrols were carried out, to check thecompliance of the people using the Lagoon. A total of 1,645 people wererecorded, with an increase during the months of October, November,December and January. The majority of the people were recorded atthe main beach and Visklip, which offers a good spot for fi shing. Likebait collection there was also a decrease in fi shing during May, June,July and August. Of all the people checked, 81 written warnings wereissued and two fi nes were issued.In the same period, a total of 80 boat permits patrols were carried out, tocheck the compliance of boat users at the Yacht club and the Alabama54

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