2005/2006 - SANParks

2005/2006 - SANParks

2005/2006 - SANParks


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<strong>2006</strong>South African National Parksand mixed feeders are in good condition as the grass component ofthe veld is still good in most sections of the park.A total of 11 Cape Mountain Zebra and 20 Gemsbok were capturedand translocated to the Tankwa-Karoo National Park. Three CapeMountain Zebra were translocated to the Bontebok National Parkduring the winter.Brown locusts (Locustana pardalina) were seen in large numbers in thepark and surrounding areas during the last quarter. However, no swarmirruptions occurred and no spraying was done by the Department ofAgriculture in the Beaufort West district by the end of the year.Follow-up clearing operations of alien invasive plants were carried outby two Working for Water contractors, as well as initial clearing of 80haof Old Man Saltbush (Atriplex nummularia) in the Grantham area.PEOPLE AND CONSERVATIONThe Park Forum has been established and approved by ExecutiveManagement. A Steering Committee for the Poverty Relief project(EPWP 2004/2007) has been established as a sub-committee of thePark Forum.Regular meetings are held with local government and other stakeholders.The park is represented on the Integrated Sustainable Rural DevelopmentPlanning Forum and other planning forums in the district.The Theta Learnership program involving six staff members andtwelve unemployed youth from the local community was successfullyimplemented and completed. Four permanent staff members, enrolledfor Adult Basic Education and Training (ABET), passed their examsand proceeded to the next level.The Fossil Trail has been upgraded with new information panels andadditional fossil specimens. Dr J Almond from Natura Viva assistedwith the project.The research project: Sustainable Ecotourism Management in theKaroo National Park undertaken by students from Natal University andthe Cape Town University of Technology was completed in December<strong>2005</strong> and the fi nal report was submitted to the park.The privately-operated shop in the park is selling the artwork oflocal community projects and locally produced herbs from theHydroponics project are being used in the preparation of dishes inthe restaurant.TOURISMThe year under review saw an increase of 1.60% in visitor numbers.There was an increase of 24.7% in accommodation revenue comparedto the previous fi nancial year. Camping showed a 2.46% decreasein occupancy and game drive revenue increased by 35.22% for theyear.Several local SMMEs were used to do maintenance and constructionwork in the park. The EPWP is currently employing 190 people and sixSMMEs from the local community. This fi gure should increase by 40%with the implementation of the road project in the new year.The number of learners visiting the park has increased tremendouslysince the SAPS availed its vehicle for the transport of learners to thepark. A total of 3 537 learners and 704 adults visited the park duringthis year. The park facilitated environmental education programs forinmates at the local Correctional Services facility.The Interpretive Centre proved to be a hit amongst visitors and a totalof 6 000 guests visited the centre during the year. World EnvironmentDay was celebrated by involving two schools (190 learners) in aprocession to the municipal offi ces culminating with the hand-over of amemorandum to local government and a clean-up session afterwards.Arbour Day was celebrated in collaboration with other departmentsincluding GCIS, local government and the Department of Education.National Water Week was celebrated during March with daily outreachprogrammes targeting four schools.The decrease of 7.19% in conservation fees could be the result of anincrease in Wild Card sales. There was a defi nite increase in tourismactivity in the park and feedback from visitors is positive.The change of management of the restaurant and shop facilities hasimproved the delivery and quality of service.A major maintenance programme was started during the year underreview. The six-bed family cottages were retiled, the interiors repainted,new furniture acquired for the kitchen/lounge and blinds installedduring the third quarter of the fi nancial year.Ten of the three-bed chalets’ air conditioners were replaced as partof the asset replacement program.The park accommodation and camping facilities were graded inMarch <strong>2005</strong> and interim reports indicate that it will retain its threeand four star grading of the previous year. A new swimming pool andcloakrooms are being constructed at the Bulkraal day visitor’s site tocater for the needs of the local community.65

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