2005/2006 - SANParks

2005/2006 - SANParks

2005/2006 - SANParks


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<strong>2006</strong>South African National ParksMARAKELE NATIONAL PARKOVERVIEWThe current size of the park is 67 000ha, and will be a projected100 000ha once the park has been fully consolidated. The farmKareehoek 274 has been purchased, adding 45,3ha.The contractual agreement in respect of the 1 000ha Vygeboomfonteinproperty is in its fi nal draft and has been submitted and anticipatedto be ratifi ed in the next fi nancial year with the exchange agreementbetween Mr Ampie Venter and <strong>SANParks</strong> having been fi nalised.A process of negotiation with land owners on the western side of thepark was started during the course of March <strong>2006</strong>.CONSERVATION ISSUESA game census was conducted during the month of September<strong>2005</strong> and eleven Buffalo were darted to draw blood in efforts to testfor corridor disease. Further tests are to be conducted in the nextfi nancial year.Poverty Relief project teams removing redundant structures continuedwith the removal of old farm fences and dilapidated buildings.AREA CLEARED TARGETS 2004/5(Apr – September)Follow-up clearing 1 980 5 000New clearing In progress -Total (6 months) 1 980 5 000CLIMATIC CONDITIONSRainfall (mm) Main Gate StationMONTH <strong>2005</strong>/6 LONG TERM AVEApril 05 59.7mm 48.2mmMay 05 No Rainfall No RainfallJune 05 No Rainfall 16.3mmJuly 05 No Rainfall 1.5mmAugust 05 No Rainfall 0.1mmSeptember 05 No Rainfall 2.0mmOctober 05 No Rainfall No RainfallNovember 05 63,1mm 92,8mmDecember 05 81,7mm 105mmJanuary 06 276mm No RainfallFebruary 06 No Rainfall No RainfallMarch 0695,1mmTotal (6 months) 575.6mm 265.9mmIt has been a hot, dry and very windy winter and therefore the vegetationis very dry and the park is in urgent need of good rains. No problemswith boreholes drying up has been experienced yet.INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENTConstructions of the new tourist roads ran a few months behindschedule but are due to be completed by the fi rst quarter of the nextfi nancial year. The construction phase started in February <strong>2006</strong>, withsome delays caused by rains. The construction proceeded smoothlyonce the rains stopped.PEOPLE AND CONSERVATIONA meeting aimed at establishing the fi rst Park Forum was staged duringMarch <strong>2006</strong> and the community representatives were content withthe seamless progress. Although a large percentage of the farmersconcerned were white, a few black people provided representationfor that section of the community.A draft resettlement document was drawn up for the park to try andresolve the two cases in the park and this document will eventually beused as a guideline to handle resettlement issues once fi nalised.Environmental Education programme in the park have been runningsmoothly, with the Kids in Parks programme being the main focus.The number of activities are as indicated below:Game drives and Educational ActivitiesMonthSchoolGuidedGame drivesVisits/Kids inWalks TotalTotal PAXParksPAXApril 05 - 53 -May 05 - 51 19June 05 - 39 15July 0516 junior 58 35h/rangerAugust 05 209 K/parks 39 12September 05 124 K/Parks 36 2October 05 101 K/Parks - -November 05 - 21 9December 05 - 58 18January 05 - - 7February 05 - - -March 05 - 13 -81

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