2005/2006 - SANParks

2005/2006 - SANParks

2005/2006 - SANParks


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<strong>2006</strong>South African National ParksNo wildlife census was conducted in the year under review. Monitoringby Field Rangers and observations by stock farmers indicate that existingpopulations of Klipspringer and Kudu are increasing gradually. Leopardspoor has been encountered on a regular basis and it would appearthat the presence of Leopards has contributed to the decline in the feralDonkey numbers.Baboons continue to pose problems in Sendelingsdrift and in thecampsites, and they have been responsible for some stock losses inthe park due to the fact that they have resorted to killing lambs at somestock posts.In order to preserve the indigenous fl ora, management monitors a numberof hotspots in the park. The aim is to ensure that these areas are notimpacted on by stock farming activities.At present there is good cooperation with stock farmers in this regard.Some researchers have indicated that there are major problems forthe fauna in the region which includes the Namib Desert to the north.These would appear to be as a result of a shift in the climate and a lossof topsoil due to long-term wind erosion which has been exacerbatedby grazing in some areas.No new discoveries of fauna and fl ora have been reported in the parkduring the year. An Emergency Response Plan has been put in placeand warnings to tourists have been prominently displayed to manageaccidents and disasters in the park. Despite this the remote nature of thepark and a lack of facilities remain problems. In the year under review parkmanagement attended to one serious road accident involving a visitor.Another visitor was seriously injured falling out of a rooftop tent. Both ofthese incidents resulted in the casualties being fl own out of AlexanderBay for further treatment. A visitor and two security guards drowned inseparate incidents. One Telkom vehicle was destroyed in a fl ash fl ood,but the occupants escaped without injury.PEOPLE AND CONSERVATIONThe Co-management Committee (RGBK) which is made up of senior<strong>SANParks</strong> management representatives and representatives from the fourRichtersveld towns and stock farmers held four meetings during the year.This committee has also been represented at a number of other forumsincluding the Joint Management Board of the Transfrontier Park.Park management and the People and Parks Division have beenactively involved in providing assistance to the Richtersveld CommunityConservancy. A learnership programme has been initiated which hasresulted in the Conservancy Manager and Administrator doing internships75

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