2005/2006 - SANParks

2005/2006 - SANParks

2005/2006 - SANParks


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<strong>2006</strong>South African National ParksThe park also received three Cape Mountain Zebra stallions from theKaroo National Park, but one had to be put down due to unforeseenillnesses. There have been mortalities of some game due to old ageand predation by caracals during the period under review.Field and Fire ManagementAt least fi ve plant species were collected and identifi ed as species notpreviously recorded in the park during the <strong>2005</strong>/<strong>2006</strong> fi nancial year.However, during the last fi nancial year, there were many species thathave been collected since 2003, which were only recently identifi edand have also not been recorded previously in the park.STATISTICAL INFORMATION ON FAUNATable 5. Showing BNP Game Statistics in approximatenumbersSpecies 2004/<strong>2005</strong> <strong>2005</strong>/<strong>2006</strong>Increase/Decrease %Bontebok 203 169 -20.1%Red Hartebeest 23 28 18%Cape Mountain19 26 27%ZebraGrey Rhebok 47 65 28%Cape Grysbok 01 05 80%Steenbok 02 06 67%CLIMATIC CONDITIONSThe park experienced a negative fl uctuation in rainfall during the periodunder review as compared with the previous years. The low rainfallexperienced during this period resulted in a notable difference in thewater level of the Breede River. Apart from the small fl uctuations intemperature during the past year and in comparison with last year,temperatures remain normal.TOURISMCompared with the previous fi nancial year, it is clear that therehas been a slight decrease in person nights sold during the periodunder review. Furthermore, there is a 50% increase in day visitors in<strong>2005</strong>/<strong>2006</strong> as compared with the previous fi nancial year. However,during the same period, the number of camp sites sold remained thesame. Antiquated accommodation and poor road infrastructure (duefor upgrades through EPWP funding during the next fi nancial year)are suspected to be critical to this decline.53

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