Last words of Thomas Carlyle - Warburg Institute

Last words of Thomas Carlyle - Warburg Institute

Last words of Thomas Carlyle - Warburg Institute

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WOTTON EEINFRED 145such endowments, few who had so quickened myfaculties and, though with somewhat ahen influence,given me so many new ideasto improve.and so much incitement*In this favourable mood he left us, his regimentbeing ordered to the North, where it was to be reduced,perhaps broken. He took his leave quietly,with friendliness, but no show <strong>of</strong> tenderness, and mthe manner <strong>of</strong>to meet us again.a man who hoped yet without anxietyWar, he observed, was a trade forthe present as good as ruined, and <strong>of</strong> which at anyrate one would in time grow tired ; he had thoughts<strong>of</strong> slackening his connection with the army and settlingon his own soil ; who knew but the Cincinnatulus,when his sword had become a ploughshare,might tempt his fair hostesses to a long journey, orat least meet them in their wayfarings and renew thememory <strong>of</strong> so many happy days ? In this fashion weparted ; with my aunt he was in dearer esteem thanever ;even I could not but wish him good speed, andsometimes afterwards not without regret contrast hissprightly sense with the laborious, <strong>of</strong>ten malicious,.inanity <strong>of</strong> most that remained in my sphere behindhim.*A brisk correspondence had commenced betweenmy aunt and Walter, in which she seemed to find herchief, or rather sole pleasure, for ever since hisdeparture a double discontent had settled over her.About this time Jaspar, her son, paid us his firstu

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