Last words of Thomas Carlyle - Warburg Institute

Last words of Thomas Carlyle - Warburg Institute

Last words of Thomas Carlyle - Warburg Institute

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WOTTON EEINFEED 45* Picture ? ' said Wotton.*A gold locket with a miniature : an honest countrymanfound it among the mountains ; thought some <strong>of</strong>our guests in their pleasure excursions might have lostit, so he brought it hither, but no one claimed it ; andthe thing is still here waiting for an owner. You shallsee it, sir.'The man left the apartment, and soon returnedwith the trinket in question. It was a pretty enoughpiece <strong>of</strong> work ; a little oval casket <strong>of</strong> chased gold orfiligrane, on a pink ribbon, which seemed once to havesuspended it over some fair bosom. It might havebeen dropped in riding. But what most surprisedour friends was, on opening the lid—for the lock hadbeen broken—to discover in the tiny picture whatreally seemed a decided resemblance to Wotton. Asa painting it was <strong>of</strong> little value ; neither the individualtints nor the general finish, though apparently greatpains had been taken with it, betrayed the hand <strong>of</strong> anartist ;yet the cast <strong>of</strong> our hero's features did appearto have been aimed at, nay, in some points accuratelyseized ; the dark gray eyes under their deep decidedbrows and high arched forehead, the well-proportionednose, the somewhat too shallow chin, the clustery darkauburn hair, were all more or less correctly Wotton's ;and about the lips there played a mingled half-painful,half-l<strong>of</strong>ty expression <strong>of</strong> scorn, which in some passionatemoments was still more peculiarly his.Our travellers, it may well be supposed, scarce

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