Last words of Thomas Carlyle - Warburg Institute

Last words of Thomas Carlyle - Warburg Institute

Last words of Thomas Carlyle - Warburg Institute

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—EXCUESION TO PARIS 189exhibitioners : have to fight for air, but get it,—thenhold my peace as much as possible : Madame, cela'finira ; cela ne durera pas a tout jamais ! ' We arcquiet to one another, and no incivility occurs.'Auteuil,'said my French neighbour on the right, anoldish, commonplace, innocent man ; then Montmorenci* ; ' country very beautiful here ;* grows graduallyless so; Pontoise,' ' and still uglier flat barecountry, gradually after which quite flat, bare, illtilledand ugly, and so continues.*At Arras ' (youcan see nothing <strong>of</strong> it, or <strong>of</strong> anything : a mere openbarren flat, and a meagre little barrack <strong>of</strong> a stationhousebuilt), get a bun and glass <strong>of</strong> vin ordinau-e,*this was all- my food till England. Amiens ' (nothingvisible); 'Lille' (ugly waste station-house).On, on : oh, let it end ! Country all flat ; flax withditches : haricots in upright bundles with a stick ineach ; spade husbandry (man digging), careful culturehereabouts ;pleasant-looking villages on the higherground towards the sea ; some trees, very feeble; broadlevel railway course, <strong>of</strong>ten straight as a line : not onetunnel from Paris. Short battering shower or two,then again bright weather. Thank Heaven, Calais atlast. Passport showing ; crowded botheration, steameroverflowing (German, Italian, French), in the endwe do get under way,—have seen nothing <strong>of</strong> Calais butthe harbour and some <strong>of</strong> the steeple-tops : is not thata beautiful way <strong>of</strong> travelling ?Our passage was <strong>of</strong> two hours, rather pitching.

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