Last words of Thomas Carlyle - Warburg Institute

Last words of Thomas Carlyle - Warburg Institute

Last words of Thomas Carlyle - Warburg Institute

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;EXCURSION TO PAEIS 183breakfastthat Lord Ashbiirton should go with me onThursday,—the Lady to stay behind till Saturday,while her cold mended, and then come. T7es hien.Lady Sandwich has a second dinner for us to-day;out <strong>of</strong> which I apologise ;to dine simply at four, andwill keep myself peaceably at home. [Pause here :have to go the Strand with an umbrella ! Monday,6 Oct., 1851.JTuesday, 30 September, after breakfast {then, lilmik)call on the Brownings. Very sorry they that I am boundfor home perhaps to-morrow, at any rate next daywill come to them to tea ' if possible.' At Meurice's,Merimee again to takeLord Ashburton to some show<strong>of</strong> ancient armour : I decline to go ; stay there, andlounge in talk with Lady Ashburton, who knits.'Attache to French Embassy,' name forgotten ornever known, thin, half- squinting, insignificant, brownskinnedyoung Parisian ;—I go out to call on LadySandwich; dinner in prospect there, and lamentationsover my and everybody's sickness.Dine at four,on frugal starved beef, with one glass <strong>of</strong> sherry; LordAshburton to dine below with certain Bruces (LordAylesbury's son and femme who is Sidney Herbert'ssister) who are just come : enter said Lady Bruce,pretty but unhedeutend; enter Bruce, big nose, Englishnoisy say-nothing ; enter finally an Englishman whoknows me, whom I cannot recollect to know, whoproves at last to be Sheridan (Mrs. Norton's brother) :talkee, talkee, nichts zu bedeuten. I withdraw to

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