Last words of Thomas Carlyle - Warburg Institute

Last words of Thomas Carlyle - Warburg Institute

Last words of Thomas Carlyle - Warburg Institute

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52 WOTTON REINFEEDthe painter <strong>of</strong> so many heavenly landscapes, was breda colour-grinder ; the noble-minded Epictetus was aslave. As to the effect <strong>of</strong> natm'al scenery,' continuedhe, ' I think with you that it is trifling. The mountaineerhas a peculiar way <strong>of</strong> life, and differs from theinhabitant <strong>of</strong> the plains because <strong>of</strong> it ; differs byreason <strong>of</strong> the things he has to do, but scarcely <strong>of</strong> thethings he has to see. No nation has produced fewerartists than the Swiss.'* Indeed,' said Wotton,'this effect, whatever be itsvalue, lies in a great measure open to all men, dwellwhere they may. The bleakest moor I can stand onis visited by the eye <strong>of</strong> Heaven, and bears on its bosomthe traces <strong>of</strong> innumerable years. The pebble I strikefrom my path was severed from distant mountains inthe primeval convulsions <strong>of</strong> Nature, and has rolled forages in the depth <strong>of</strong> waters. This streamlet, namelessexcept to a few herdsmen, was meted out by the hand<strong>of</strong> the Omnipotent as well as the great ocean ; it isancient as the Flood, and was murmuring through itssolitude when the ships <strong>of</strong> iEneas ascended the Tiber,or Siloa's Brook was flowing fast by the Oracle <strong>of</strong>God.'' Yet surely,' said Bernard,* there are degrees <strong>of</strong>beauty in external things ; beauty more direct, and Iwill add more pure, than those universal attributeswhich my friend here paints so vividly. Is it not theessence <strong>of</strong> all true beauty, <strong>of</strong> all true greatness, that itmakes us forget our own little individuality? That

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