Last words of Thomas Carlyle - Warburg Institute

Last words of Thomas Carlyle - Warburg Institute

Last words of Thomas Carlyle - Warburg Institute

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;EXCUEf^lON TO PARIS 187with me. I am told that he is jealous that I respecthim insufficiently ! Poor little soul, I have no piqueat him whatsoever ; and <strong>of</strong> the three, or indeed <strong>of</strong>known Frenchmen (Guizot included) consider himmuch the best man. A healthy Human Animal, withdue heaverism (high and low), due vulpinism, or morethan due ;in fine a healthy creature, and without any*conscience,' good or bad. Whereas, Guizot—I findhim a solemn intriguant^ an Inquisitor-Tartuffe,gaunt, hollow, restingon the everlasting No, with ahaggard consciousness that it ought to be the everlastingYea : to me an extremely detestable kind <strong>of</strong>man. So I figure him,— from his books and aspect,and avoided to speak with him while he was last here.Heaven forgive me if I do the poor man wrong ;practicallyI have only to avoid him, that is all.To poorThiers I have sent compliments (if such be due at all)since my return ;part with him in peace.The inevitables are not interesting ;at length theygo their ways : and now it palpably turns out. LordAshburton i^not going to-morrow morning, feels better,and ought to stay for Lady Ashburton !Heavy newsfor my poor fancy (shuddering at a French journey)but how could I deny that the measure was perfectlyreasonable ; that, in fact, the poor ailing lady oughtto have some escort ? I must go myself, then ; mustpart and shave this night, be called to-morrow at 6|:* adieu,!madame ' Lord Ashburton walks with mewhile I smoke in Place Vendome ; will see me on the

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