Last words of Thomas Carlyle - Warburg Institute

Last words of Thomas Carlyle - Warburg Institute

Last words of Thomas Carlyle - Warburg Institute

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;WOTTON EEINFRED 43as it were a ground <strong>of</strong> deepest black, on which thebright, lovely, nay sometimes sportful imagery <strong>of</strong>hismind looked out with double grace. With Bernardhis conversation was at all times, and especially onsuch occasions, <strong>of</strong> the most pleasurable sort. Therewas in them thatagreement <strong>of</strong> feeling and disagreement<strong>of</strong> opinion, that similarity in dissimilarity, whichis justly thought to form the great charm <strong>of</strong> conversation.Much as they disputed they never quarrelled.The scene and the lovely weather were <strong>of</strong> a kindto maintain the most genial humour.It was a regionas yet unvisited <strong>of</strong> mail-coaches, traversed only by thesolitary horseman, or some wayworn cadger toilsomelycollecting for city consumpt the minor produce <strong>of</strong> thedistrict ; a region <strong>of</strong> knoll and hollow, <strong>of</strong> modeststreamlet, and lone-lying tree-shaded farm ; the mowerwas stooping in the valleys, where as yet the fields wereall <strong>of</strong> the greenest ; and ever, as they mounted anyheight, our friends saw before them afar <strong>of</strong>f the longnarrow Frith winding like silver among its craggyheadlands or gray sands ; bej'^ond which, over manyan intervening range, towered up in white light in theextreme distance the world <strong>of</strong> mountains, with its bluetops and shadowy chasms shutting in like a land <strong>of</strong>romance a land <strong>of</strong> so many fair realities.Pleasantly journeying,amid abundant talk, theyhad reached before sunset the strand <strong>of</strong> the Frithwhere, advancing to the end <strong>of</strong> one among several long

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