Last words of Thomas Carlyle - Warburg Institute

Last words of Thomas Carlyle - Warburg Institute

Last words of Thomas Carlyle - Warburg Institute

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,76 WOTTON EEINFREDletter but a flourish.As the fool thinks, the bell clinksour adage says ; and so it is here as well as elsewhere.'However, it was not to interrogate Nature thatWotton chiefly wanted; but, rather, to interrogatehis new acquaintance on matters nearer home.* I may confess to you,' said he, * I am in noscientific mood at present. The sudden change <strong>of</strong>my scene confuses so young a traveller ;indeed, thisHouse <strong>of</strong> the Wold is still a riddle to me; and <strong>of</strong>much that I saw and heard last night, I knew notand yet know not what to make. Will you give mea little light, for I am wandering in dark labyrinths ?Among all our philosophers there was none whom Iso well understood and sympathised with as yourself.Can you explain to me what manner <strong>of</strong> persons I amgot among, that so kindly welcome me, and instructme in such wondrous doctrine ? '* Willingly,' cried his companion, * so far as maybe ; but I myself am only a purblind guide, so havea care that we do not both fall into the ditch. Yousay truly, this House in the Wold is a riddle; weare altogether a surprising household, varying fromweek to week as visitors arrive and go, yet stilldiffering from all other earthly households. Comewhen you will, you shall find a circle <strong>of</strong> originalsassembled here ; the strangest mortals with thestrangest purposes, attracted as by magnetic virtueto the place ; in figuration still you might think

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