Last words of Thomas Carlyle - Warburg Institute

Last words of Thomas Carlyle - Warburg Institute

Last words of Thomas Carlyle - Warburg Institute

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!VARNHAGEN VON ENSE IN THE YEAES 1837-57 223work <strong>of</strong> its kind ; and shall be well read and useful tome one day. I wanted precisely such a lexicon, forthose ' Norse Mythics.' The business has had topostpone itself for the present ; but is by no meansfinally dismissed ; nay it is likely to return, on occasion,for a long course <strong>of</strong> time.I <strong>of</strong>ten feel it to havebeen a great mistake this that we Moderns have made,in studying with such diligence for thousands <strong>of</strong> yearsmere Greek and Eoman Primordia, and living in suchpr<strong>of</strong>ound dark inattention to our own.Odin seems tome as good a divinity as Zeus, the lomsburg is not awhit less heroic than any Siege <strong>of</strong> Troy ;—the Norseconceptions <strong>of</strong> this universe, the Norse operations inthis universe, were as well worth singing <strong>of</strong>, andelaborating, as some others !But Greeks and Eomans,I suppose, did not found Colleges for studying thePha'tiician languages and antiquities ?In how manyways are we "Ridden as with night-mares, we poorModern MenAfter long sorrows and confused hesitations, Ihave at last sat down to writesome kind <strong>of</strong> book onOliver Cromwell and the English Civil Wars andCommonwealth. It is the ungainliest enterjprise Iever tried ;grows more and more bewildering, thecloser I look into it : many times I have wished ithad never come athwart me ; stolen already variousyears <strong>of</strong> ugly labour from me. But in many enterprisesyears <strong>of</strong> sore labour are to be sunk as underthe foundations. I say and repeat to myself: St.

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