Last words of Thomas Carlyle - Warburg Institute

Last words of Thomas Carlyle - Warburg Institute

Last words of Thomas Carlyle - Warburg Institute

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'230 LETTERS WRITTEN BY THOMAS CARLYLE TOXIChelsea, London: April 7, 1845.My dear Sir,—About a week ago I had your verykind letter with the Autograph <strong>of</strong> Schiller, whichlatter I shall take care to return you so soon as ithas served its purpose here. The Medallions, andthe Portrait <strong>of</strong> Schiller will arrive in good time fortheir object ; we shall certainly be able to make outa likeness <strong>of</strong> Schiller from the combination, unlessour part in it be mismanaged ;yours has been performedwith all imaginable fidelity ! I could regretthat you giveyom'self such a quantity <strong>of</strong> trouble toserve me ; really a far too liberal quantity <strong>of</strong> trouble !—but I suppose you find a satisfaction in it ;so I mustlet you have your way. To-day is my extremity <strong>of</strong>haste ; with Printers chasing me, and paper litter <strong>of</strong>every description lying round me in the most distractingway, I must restrict myself to the one littlepoint <strong>of</strong> business which your letter indicates : thatmatter <strong>of</strong> the ' Behemoth.' Your great Frederick isright in what he has written there, at least he is notwrong,— tho' I suspect he has but consulted BookCatalogues, or some secondhand Criticism, ratherthan the Work itself which he speaks <strong>of</strong>.'Behemothis the name <strong>of</strong> a very small book <strong>of</strong><strong>Thomas</strong> Hobbes,Author <strong>of</strong> the 'Leviathan,' as you have guessed: Ithink the big * Leviathan ' was published about 1650

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