Last words of Thomas Carlyle - Warburg Institute

Last words of Thomas Carlyle - Warburg Institute

Last words of Thomas Carlyle - Warburg Institute

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;VARNIIAGEN VON ENSE IN THE YEARS 1837-57 235weeks ago,—^just as the Printing <strong>of</strong> the Book was aboutcompleted : still in time. We admire much the newPortrait <strong>of</strong> Schiller.It was put at once into the hand<strong>of</strong> the Publisher ; who with all alacrity, set about engaging* the best Engraver,'—whose name I do notknow ; whose quality I much insisted on ; and whom,accordingly, I suppose to be busy with the operationeven now. Hitherto I have heard nothing farthermy Publishers live far <strong>of</strong>f in the heart <strong>of</strong> the City andits noises ; and all my locomotions at this period directthemselves towards the opposite quarter. But <strong>of</strong>course I expect to see a Pro<strong>of</strong> before they publish :the Artist do his duty, it will not fail <strong>of</strong> welcome fromall parties.I would thank you and the kind Madamvon Kalb ^ for all your kindness : but you will notaccept even <strong>of</strong> thanks. I suppose this must be thereal likeness <strong>of</strong> Schiller, in fact ; whosoever spreadsthis abroad, to the gradual extrusion <strong>of</strong> the others, isdoing a good thing ! Wehave hung up the littleMedallions on the wall, where they shall many timesremind us <strong>of</strong> you.Your ' Life <strong>of</strong> Bllicher ' came next ; which shallsolace my earliest leisure ;—and which in the meanwhiledoes not lie idle, but gets itself read with acceptancein the house. I forwarded the copy to Mr.if'Fraulein von Kalb, who was, since the death <strong>of</strong> her motherCharlotte von Stein, lady <strong>of</strong> honour at the court <strong>of</strong> Berlin. In herpossession was the miniature whose reproduction adorns the secondedition <strong>of</strong> <strong>Carlyle</strong>'s Life <strong>of</strong> Friedricli Schiller.

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