Last words of Thomas Carlyle - Warburg Institute

Last words of Thomas Carlyle - Warburg Institute

Last words of Thomas Carlyle - Warburg Institute

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—264 LETTERS WRITTEN BY THOMAS CARLYLE TO—And so I remain in suspense; have however gotPreuss's big book, and decide to read that again verysoon. I am much at a loss for mafps and good tojpographieson that subject : if you could select me avery recommendable name or two, it might be <strong>of</strong> realhelp. We have huge map-dealers here, a wilderness<strong>of</strong> wares; and can get any German thing at once,if we will know ivhich. Item, I have been readingagain (for curiosity merely) about Catharine II. :— youwho know Eussian might guide me a little there too.Catharine is a most remarkable woman ;—and we areto remember that, if she had been a maji (as Francis I.,Henry IV., &c.), how much <strong>of</strong> thescandal attachedto her name would at once fall away. Doubtless youhave read Kropomisky's Tagebuch * ' : is it good foranything ? Are there no Histories but Castera's andTook's ? Any news on that subject would be welcometoo, some time when you are benevolent to me.Adieu, my dear Sir, and do not forget me!T. <strong>Carlyle</strong>.We have lost Miss Wynne's latitude and longitudein these her travels. If she comes to Berlin, remindher punctually <strong>of</strong> that fact.—Milnes, as you perhapsknow, is at last wedded ;just returning from hismarriage-jaunt : a very eligible wife he got.

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