Last words of Thomas Carlyle - Warburg Institute

Last words of Thomas Carlyle - Warburg Institute

Last words of Thomas Carlyle - Warburg Institute

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VARNHAGEN VON ENSE IN THE YEARS 1837-57 209that <strong>of</strong> a generous human heart, resonant to all humanthings, never so remote from it. We are strugglingas thro' thick darkness, in this England <strong>of</strong> ours,toward light and deliverance as I do believe. Adieu,my dear Sir ; better health <strong>of</strong> body to you, and no"worse healthy brotherliness <strong>of</strong> soul.With affectionate esteem, yours always,T. Carlylb.Chelsea, London : Dec. 19, 1842.My dear Sir,—For several months now I havebeen a great defaulter ; defrauding you <strong>of</strong> a mostindispensable reply to a kind message, and myself <strong>of</strong>a great pleasure in imparting it ! How this hasbeen, by what foolish combinations <strong>of</strong> sickliness, idleness,excessive work, you, who alas are yourself too<strong>of</strong>ten a sick man, will perhaps well enough understand.Suffice it now, better now than still later,very penitently and very thankfully to say that yourmost welcome gift, with the kind written remembrancein it, arrived safe here, in due course ; thatI have read the books, especially your own part <strong>of</strong>them, a good while ago, with agreeable results thenand since, and that now, when you are home again(as I hope) refreshed and recruited by the bath watersand sum^mer recreations, I knock again at your towndoor with a grateful salutation.£ E

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