Last words of Thomas Carlyle - Warburg Institute

Last words of Thomas Carlyle - Warburg Institute

Last words of Thomas Carlyle - Warburg Institute

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224 LETTEES WRITTEN BY THOMAS CAELYLE TOPetersburg is a noble city ; and there had to perish170,000 men in draining the Neva bogs, before thebuilding <strong>of</strong> it could begin ; under the first visiblestone <strong>of</strong> Petersburg there lie 170,000 lives <strong>of</strong> men !Courage ! I must not forget to thank you for thegood Stuhr ' ' : some gleams <strong>of</strong> military illumination Idid get from him, which is more than I can say <strong>of</strong>several more pretentious personages.The Musca volitans ' is not unknown to me ; I had,for some five years, and still occasionally have, a verypretty one,—which I call the ' French Eevolution,' thatbook having brought it on me ! Ill health is a mostgalling addition to one's burdens. But here too wemust say, Courage, Courage ! You have long been asufferer under this foul Fiend ; and you have wrenchedsome good hours from it too, and have some rightbrave work to show for yourself nevertheless. Festinalente ! that is the important rule. May I hear that youare better ;me !that you are again victorious and rememberAnd so adieu, dear Friend, fromYour affectionate,T. Carlylb.IX5 Cheyne Eow, Chelsea, London : April 20, 1844.My dear Sir,—I am deeply in your debt, for booksand most friendly messages ; I have had two parcelsboth <strong>of</strong> which have come safe, and been duly wel-'Mouchc volantc, a disease <strong>of</strong> the eyes.

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