Last words of Thomas Carlyle - Warburg Institute

Last words of Thomas Carlyle - Warburg Institute

Last words of Thomas Carlyle - Warburg Institute

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;202 LETTERS WRITTEN BY THOMAS CARLYLE TOadmiration (that is the word) <strong>of</strong> the talent, skill,andfaculty <strong>of</strong> many sorts displayed in such a composition.That is what we call the art <strong>of</strong> writing—thesummary and outcome <strong>of</strong> many arts and gifts. Thegrand secret <strong>of</strong> it, I believe, is insight—^just estimationand understanding, by head, and especially by heart.Give a man a narration to make, you take in briefthe measure <strong>of</strong> whatsoever worth is in the man. Thething done lies round him, with length, width, depth,a distracted chaos ; he models it into order, sequence,and visibility ;justly, with whatever force <strong>of</strong> intelligenceis in him. So far could he see into the genesis,organisation, course and coherence <strong>of</strong> it ; so trulyand far, no trulier and farther : it is the measure <strong>of</strong>his capability, <strong>of</strong> his Taugend, and even, if you like, <strong>of</strong>his Tug end. I rejoice much in such a style <strong>of</strong> dehneation; I prefer it to almost all uses which a man canmake <strong>of</strong> the spiritual faculty entrusted him herebelow. Let us understand the thing done ; let us seeit, and preserve true memory <strong>of</strong> it : a man has understandinggiven him, and a pen and ink, chiefly forthat.In the name <strong>of</strong> the present and <strong>of</strong> future times,I bid you continue to write us Memoirs.''Your proposed visit to London did not take effectlast year. In another year perhaps you may executeit. You will find some persons here right wellaffectedtowards you ; much to see and considermany things, I may suppose, which at first, and somewhich to the last, will afflict and <strong>of</strong>fend you. We are

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